Neutron Diffraction Study on the Kinetics of Non-Equilibrium Phase Transition in Ag_3SI
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The kinetics of the ordering process in the first order phase transition of superionicAg.SI was investigated by neutron diffraction. cr-Ag.SI was quenched to certain tem-peratures of T. -AT, and the time dependence of integrated intensities and linewidths of 111 reflection were measured for various AT from 20 K to 75 K. The timedevelopment scheme of the intensities can be categorized into three ranges ofATzA T<, 32 K, 35 K<A T< 42 K and 55K<,A T. In the first range data show the in-itial stage of domain nucleation. Relaxation time r was estimated from the intensitydata. The values thus obtained ford T>32 K were not explained from the measurement of line widths, especially for AT'. 55 K, though the time dependence of linewidths followed nearly to the t "' behavior. As a matter of course the validity of auniversal scaling property could not be shown from the present data of Ag.SI.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1987-08-15
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
Hoshino Sadao
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Takashige Masaaki
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Fujishita Hideshi
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo:college Of Liberal Arts Kanazawa Universit
Hoshino Sadao
Institute For Solid State Phsics The University Of Tokyo
Hoshino Sadao
Institute for Solid State Physics,The University of Tokyo
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