- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
- 1987-04-05
大桃 洋一郎
放医研 那珂湊支所
大桃 洋一郎
大桃 洋一郎
本間 美文
本間 美文
放医研 那珂湊支所
大桃 洋一郎
- Transfer of Gaseous Iodine to Rice Plants
- Transfer of Gaseous Iodine to Tradescantia
- 土壌中における亜鉛の容量因子の定量法
- Chemical States of Stable Zn and Aging Effect of ^Zn in the Soil
- 2-4P 土壌-植物系における亜鉛の動態に関する研究(第4報) : 各種抽出剤が土壌から脱着する亜鉛について
- 2-24 土壌-植物系における亜鉛の動態に関する研究(第3報) : 土壌中の"難交換態"の亜鉛について(2.土壌有機および無機成分)
- 8-38 土壌-植物系における亜鉛の動態に関する研究(第2報) : ^Znで汚染させた土壌のDTPA, EDTA, HCl抽出について(その2)(畑・草地および園地土壌の肥沃度)
- 8-22 土壌-植物系における亜鉛の動態に関する研究(第1報) : ^Znで汚染させた土壌のDTPA,EDTA,HCl抽出について(その1)(8.畑・草地・園地土壌の肥沃度)
- 茨城県沿岸住民の食品摂取量 (VIII) : 東海村における調査
- 乾性沈着によるガス状ヨウ素 (I2) の大気から米への移行
- 放射性核種の農作物への移行 : 作物間差および核種間差
- 34 水稲根における比較的低濃度でのZnとCdの吸収のちがい(関東支部講演会講演要旨)
- Stable iodine contents in human milk related to dietary algae consumption.
- Variability of Soil-to-crop Transfer Factor
- Transfer of gaseous iodine from atmosphere to rough rice, brown rice and polished rice.
- Factors used for the estimation of radioactive nuclide intake through foodstuffs by inhabitants in coastal area of ibaraki Prefecture (II). Consumption of fruit vegetables, flower vegetables and mushrooms in Kuji town and Tokal village.:CONSUMPTION OF FRU
- Factors used for the estimation of radioactive nuclide intake through foodstuffs by inhabitants in coastal area of Ibaraki prefecture. VII. The consumption of leaf vegetables and milk by infants in Tokai Village.:The Consumption of Leaf Vegetables and Mil
- Factors used for the estimation of radioactive nuclide intake through foodstuffs by inhabitants in coastal area of Ibaraki prefecture. V. Consumption of marine foods in Nakaminato city.:CONSUMPTION OF MARINE FOODS IN NAKAMINATO CITY
- Factors used for the estimation of radioactive nuclide intake through foodstuffs by inhabitants in coastal area of Ibaraki prefecture. VI. Consumption of marine foods in Oarai town.
- Factors used for the estimation of radioactive nuclide intake through foodstuffs by inhabitants in coastal area of Ibaraki Prefecture (I). Leaf vegetable consumption in Kuji town and Tokai village and measurement of dimensions of the leaves.:LEAF VEGETABL
- Factors used for the estimation of radioactive nuclide intake through foodstuffs by inhabitants in coastal area of Ibaraki prefecture III.:ROOT VEGETABLE CONSUMPTION IN KUJI TOWN AND TOKAI VILLAGE