- 論文の詳細を見る
There are many scented rice cultivars at various parts or Japan, though their small cultivated area. This study was carried out to clarify the regional differences in those characteristics using by 85 scented rice cultivars. The results are summarized as follows: Cultivars from Tohoku area and Kanto area showed early maturing and had shorter culm, longer awn, larger angle of flag leaf, less straw weight and yield. Cultivars from Kinki area and Kyushu area showed late maturing and had longer culm, more straw weight and yield. Especially, cultivars from Kinki area had the longest ear and the highest percentage of ripened grains. Cultivars from Shikoku area differed from those of other warm area, Kinki and Kyushu, in view of shorter culm and less straw weight (Table 1). Principal component analysis based on 19 characters was applied to all cultivars. The first principal component was concerned with the plant length, panicle length, awn length, spikelets/panicle, straw weight, yield and days to heading. The second component was concerned with tillering, panicles/hill, angle or flag leaf, spikelets/panicle straw weight and yield. The third component was concerned with growth rate in vegetative stage (Table 2). Cultivars were classified by the scores on the first and second principal component axis into 4 groups; i.e., types I, II, III and IV (Fig. 1). Each type was named as followes; I was long-culmed many-tillering late maturing type, II panicle weight type, III panicle number type and IV short-culmed few-tillering early maturing type. Each type was subdlvlded by the third component into 2 groups; i.e., sub type a and b. Sub type a was named as high growth rate type and b as low rate type. Each region included mostly the follwing types (Table 3 and 4); Tohoku area; IVa Kanto area; IVa Hokuriku area; IIa, IVa Kinki area; Ia, IIa, IIb Shikoku area; Ib, IIb, IIIb Kyushu area; Ia, IIa, IIb
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