大径ねじのタッピングに関する研究(第2報) : タッピングねじの山やせ現象
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In this paper we discuss the cause of an oversized effective diameter by tapping for a large size threads and investigate the prevention method for it. We carried out the simulation using the imitated cutting edges and turning test and the tapping using M 42 × 4.5 tap. The results are as follows. (1) Axial oversize thread can be caused on a following flank when the direction of the over thrust is same as the direction of tapping. When it is reversed, the over thrust can be caused on a leading flank. (2) Where axial force is constant, the effective diameter at the inlet of the thread is larger than at the bottom (Bell-Mouth phenomina) because the thrust force acting on a unit length of cutting edge can reduce exponentially according to the increase of cutting edge. (3) In order to prevent producing oversize threads, it is necessary to develop a new tapping attachment controlling the axial thrust on the initial tapping and the reverse rotating.
- 公益社団法人精密工学会の論文
- 1990-03-05
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