Stellar Synthesis of the α-Particle Nuclei Heavier than Ne^<20>
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The rates of (α,γ) and (γ,α) reactions at temperatures above 5×10^8°K for α-particle nuclei, Ne^<20>, Mg^<24>, Si^<28>, S^<32>, A^<36>, and Ca^<40> are calculated as well as heavy ion reactions such as C^<12>+C^<12>→Ne^<20>+α, etc. The stellar condition, under which the cosmical abundances of the α-particle nuclei can be explained in terms of the above nuclear reactions, is investigated by using these results. At high temperature T=2~3×10^9 °K the cosmical abundances of α-particle nuclei can be reproduced by taking the matter density ρ as 1~10^2g cm^<-3>. Such a stellar condition may be realized in the supernova explosion. It is shown that, to explain the cosmical abundances in concern by the equilibrium theory, T> 5×10^9 °K and ρ10^5g cm^<-3> are required.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1959-07-25
TSUDA Hiroshi
Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University
Tsuda Hiroshi
Department Of Electronics Doshisha University
HAYASHI Chushiro
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Hayashi Chushiro
Department Of Nuclear Science Kyoto University
Nishida Minoru
Department Of Applied Science For Electronics And Materials Kyushu University
Department of Nuclear Science, Kyoto University
Ohyama Noboru
Department Of Nuclear Science Kyoto University
Nishida Minoru
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Science Science University Of Tokyo Kagurazaka
Tsuda Hiroshi
Department Of Elctronics Doshisha University
HAYASHI Chushiro
Department of Nuclear Science : Research Institute for Fundamental Physics Kyoto University : National Aeronautics and Space Administration
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