Magnetic Properties of Superconductors with Resonance Scattering
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The Ginzburg-Landau equations are derived for the superconductors with resonance scattering near the transition temperature. It is pointed out that the mixing interaction should depend on the magnetic field in order to guarantee the gauge invariance, and that the current arising from this interaction is necessary for the consistency relation between the coefficients of the first and second G-L equations. Using these equations, the upper critical field H_<c2>(T) and the parameter k are calculated. It is also shown that the effect of the resonance scattering appears through two factors, the change of the state density and of the relaxation time. The former effect makes both H_<c2> and k smaller, and the effect of the latter depends on the p-dependence of the mixing interaction. If this p-dependence is neglected, the latter effect is to increase H_<c2> and k, and overcomes the former effect.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1968-12-25
Department of Engineering Sience,Faculty of Engineering,Tohoku University
Takano Fumihiko
Department Of Physics Tokyo University
Takanaka Kenji
Department Of Physics Tokyo University Of Education : Department Of Engineering Science Faculty Of E
Takanaka Kenji
Deparatment Of Engineering Science Tohoku University
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