Affine Connections and Topological Conformal Field Theories on Higher-Genus Riemann Surfaces. II : Bosonic Strings and Related Models : Particles and Fields
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The topological conformal algebra for the models of bosonic string type is considered on an arbitrary higher-genus Riemann surface M. Associated with the U(1) anomaly the affine connection is automatically introduced into the algebra. The affine connection always appears in the form of covariant derivatives, so that it guarantees coordinate-independence of the algebra. Since our affine connection is meromorphic on M, the theorem that a globally defined holomorphic affine connection is admitted only on a torus is not applicable to our case. One may use it on general Riemann surfaces of genus g≥1 in the form of covariant derivatives.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1993-11-25
Saito T
Hiroshima Univ. Higashi‐hiroshima Jpn
Saito Takesi
Department Of Physics Kwansei Gakuin University
SAITO Takesi
Department of Physics, Kyoto Preferctural University of Medicine
SAITO Takesi
Department of Physics, Kyoto Pref.University of Medicine
SAITO Takesi
Deparment of Physics, Kyoto Pref. University of Medicine
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- Affine Connections and Topological Conformal Field Theories on Higher-Genus Riemann Surfaces : Particles and Fields