Angular-Momentum Analysis of the Two-Particle Rearrangement Mechanism in the System of Four Spinless-Particles and ζ Particle as a Four-Pion Resonance : Particles and Fields
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Angular momentum analysis of the two-particle rearrangement mechanism in the system of four spinless-particles is made. The transition amplitude due to this mechanism is derived. This provides an important driving term to generate a resonance or a bound state in the four-particle system for the case where the two-particle interactions are strongly attractive. An application is considered to the ζ particle as a four-pion resonance.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1990-06-25
UEDA Tamotsu
Faculty of Science, Ehime University
Ueda Tamotsu
Department Of Applied Mathematics Faculty Of Engineering Sciences Osaka University
Ueda Tamotsu
Department Of Applied Mathematics Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
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