SU(4) Chiral Solitons and 20" Dominance in Nonleptonic Decays of Strange Baryons
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We have calculated the single-baryon matrix elements of weak nonleptonic hamiltonian in the chiral soliton model extended to flavor SU(4) symmetry. The GIM cancellation mechanism is correctly incorporated. The 20" component dominates in the SU(4) limit and the F/D-ratio becomes nearly equal to -1.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1987-05-25
Abe Yoshikazu
Department Of Physics Engineering Mie University
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
Abe Yoshikazu
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Education Mie University
Uchida Taijiro
Faculty Of Engineering The University Of Tokyo
UCHIDA Tomiyoshi
Department of Physics, Faculty of Education Mie University
Uchida T
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Education Mie University
Uchida Tomiyoshi
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Shin-mura Mamoru
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Shin‐mura M
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Education Mie University
ABE Yoshikazu
Department of Physics, Faculty of Education Mie University
Department of Physics, Faculty of Education Mie University
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