A Huge Primary Peritoneal Papillary Adenocarcinoma Which Demonstrated Imaging Findings Similar to Those of Extrahepatic-Growing Type Hepatic Tumor : Report of a Case
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2005-02-01
Fujii Hideki
山梨大学医学部附属病院 第一外科
Fujii H
First Department Of Surgery Faculty Of Medicine University Of Yamanashi
Kono Hiroshi
First Department Of Surgery Yamanashi University School Of Medicine
First Department of Surgery, Yamanashi Medical University
松田 正久
MATSUDA Masahisa
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aichi University of Education
Department of Physics Engineering, Mie University
MATSUDA Masanori
First Department of Internal Medicine, Showa University
Fujii Hideki
First Department Of Surgery Yamanashi University School Of Medicine
Department of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine, Yamanashi Medical College
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University
Fujii Hideki
First Department Of Surgery Faculty Of Medicine University Of Yamanashi
Yamamoto Masayuki
The First Department Of Surgery Yamanashi Medical University
Yamamoto M
First Department Of Surgery
First Department of Surgery, Yamanashi University School of Medicine
First Department of Surgery, Department of Medicine, Yamanashi University
First Department of Surgery, Department of Medicine, Yamanashi University
First Department of Surgery, Department of Medicine, Yamanashi University
First Department of Surgery, Department of Medicine, Yamanashi University
First Department of Surgery, Department of Medicine, Yamanashi University
Matsumoto Y
First Department Of Surgery Yamanashi Medical University
Matsumoto Yoshiroh
Firstt Department Of Surgery Yamanashi Medical College
Izawa Sinichirou
First Department Of Surgery Department Of Medicine Yamanashi University
Amemiya Hidetake
First Department Of Surgery Department Of Medicine Yamanashi University
Furuya Shinji
First Department Of Surgery Department Of Medicine Yamanashi University
Matsuda Masanori
First Department Of Surgery Yamanashi University School Of Medicine
Matsuda Masanori
First Department Of Internal Medicine Showa University
Matsumoto Yoshiro
First Department Of Orthodontics Faculty Of Dentistry Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Chang Moon
First Department Of Surgery Department Of Medicine Yamanashi University
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
Kono Hiroshi
First Department Of Surgery Faculty Of Medicine University Of Yamanashi
Takano Atsushi
First Department Of Surgery Department Of Medicine Yamanashi University
Fujii Hideki
山梨医科大学 外科
Suzuki Tetsuya
First Department Of Surgery Yamanashi University School Of Medicine
Matsuda Masanori
Department Of Surgery Yamanashi Medical University
Kono Hiroshi
First Department Of Surgery Department Of Medicine Yamanashi University
Suzuki Tetsuya
First Department Of Surgery Yamanashi Medical University
Fujii Hideki
First Department Of Surgery Department Of Medicine Yamanashi University
MATSUDA Masanori
First Department of Surgery, Yamanashi University School of Medicine
MATSUDA Masanori
Division of Materials Science, Faculty of Integrate Arts and Sciences Hiroshima University
First Department of Surgery, Yamanashi Medical College
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