Remarks on Shape of Repulsive Core of Nuclear Forces
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1966-01-25
OTSUKI Shoichiro
Department of Physics Nagoya University
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Research Institute for Atomic Energy, Osaka City University
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
Sawada Shoji
Department Of Physics Hiroshima University
Watari Wataro
Reseach Institute For Atomic Energy Osaka City University
Otsuki Shoichiro
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Tamagaki Ryozo
Department Of Physcis Kyoto University
- Nuclear Interaction of Core Region
- Three-Body Force as an "Extra Repulsion" Suggested from Hyperon-Mixed Neutron Stars(Dense QCD Matter,New Frontiers in QCD 2008-Fundamental Problems in Hot and/or Dense Matter-)
- 24aYE-7 ハイペロン混在中性子星に於ける2π交換型3体力の効果,II(24aYE 天体核物理,理論核物理領域)
- 28aSC-3 ハイペロン混在中性子星における2π交換型3体力の効果(28aSC ハイパー核(K中間子その他),理論核物理領域,実験核物理領域合同,理論核物理領域)
- 23aSD-13 ハイペロン混在物質に於ける斥力効果の問題,II(23aSD 実験核物理領域,理論核物理領域合同 ストレンジネス(ハイパー核),実験核物理領域)
- 27pWF-10 ハイペロン混在物質に於ける斥力効果の問題(27pWF 天体核物理(核物質,EOS),理論核物理領域)
- Occurrence of Hyperon Superfluidity in Neutron Star Cores
- Baryon Superfluidity and Neutrino Emissivity of Neutron Stars(Nuclear Physics)
- Superfluidity of Hyperon-Mixed Neutron Stars
- ハイペロン超流動の中性子星モデル依存性 : 現状報告(ハイペロンの混合とストレンジネス多体系,研究会報告)
- 30pSB-3 ハイベロンガ混在相の現実的結果からみた中性子星冷却へのコメント
- The Possibility of Hyperon Superfluids in Neutron Star Cores
- 23aTB-8 中性子星モデルとハイペロン超流動
- On p-He^4 Effective Potential and Nuclear Forces
- Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering at High Energy
- Scattering Observables of NN Interaction in the SU_6 Quark Model
- Reaction Matrix Calculations for Neutron-Rich He-Isotopes
- One-Boson-Exchange Modes and Two- and Three-Pion Exchange in Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction. I
- Chapter 3 One-Boson-Exchange Model
- Inelastic Process and the One Boson Exchange Model. II
- Inelastic Process and the One-Boson-Exchange Model
- Semileptonic Decays of B Meson into Charmed Higher Resonances in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory : Particles and Fields
- Chapter II Stability of Chiral Solitons
- Four-Phase Structure of ρ Meson Coupled Skyrmions on S^3 : Particles and Fields
- Multi-Skyrmion with ρ and ω Mesons : Particles and Fields
- On the Chiral Soliton Model with ρ Mesons
- Vector and Axial-Vector Mesons in the Skyrme Model : Particles and Fields
- An Effective Lagrangian for Pions, ρ Mesons and Skyrmions : Particles and Fields
- Explicit CP Breaking and Electroweak Baryogenesis : Particles and fields
- Numerical Approach to CP-Violating Dirac Equation
- CP-Violating Profile of the Electroweak Bubble Wall : Particles and Fields
- Chiral Charge Flux and Electroweak Baryogenesis
- Baryon Number Violating Collision in Terms of Bounce Configuration
- Scattering with Baryon Number Violation : The Case of Higgs Particle Production : Particles and Fields
- Formulation of Baryon Number Violating Collisions : The Case of O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model : Particles and Fields
- Sphaleron Transition of Reduced O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model : Particles and Feilds
- Sphalerons of O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model on a Circle : Particles and Fields
- Vortex String Picture and Large p_T Reactions
- Hard Core and Absorption in a Two-Channel Model for Proton-Proton Collision
- Alpha-Clustering in Nuclear Matter at Low Density
- 小林稔先生を偲ぶ
- Nuclear Force and Nuclear Matter. II
- An Explanation of N-N "Repulsive Core" in Terms of Forbidden States Based on the Quark Model
- Neutrino Interactions in Octet Baryon Matter
- Chapter X Outlook
- Chapter VIII Implications of Various Hadron Phases to Neutron Star Phenomena
- Chapter VII Neutral Pion Condensation in Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter
- Chapter VI A Chiral Symmetry Approach to Meson Condensations
- Chapter V Toward Realistic Treatment of Neutral Pion-Condensed State
- Chapter III Characteristic Aspects of Pion-Condensed Phases
- A Chiral-Bag Approach to Static Interaction between Two Baryons : A Numerical Study with Use of the Finite Element Method : Nuclear Physics
- Static Interaction between Two Spherical Chiral Bags
- Interaction between Two Quark Layers in Chiral Bag Model : Nuclear Physics
- Neutral Pion Condensation and Alternating Layer Spin Model Including Isobar Δ(1232) in Hot Symmetric Nuclear Matter
- Hair Pin Line Rule and Baryonium Decay
- String-Junction Model and Width of Baryonium
- Remarks on Shape of Repulsive Core of Nuclear Forces
- Nucleon-Nucleon Potential of One-Boson-Exchange Type
- The Reaction p+p→π^++d and Di-Proton Resonances
- An Approximate Phase Shift Analysis of πN Scattering
- On the Applicability of the Pion-theoretical Nuclear Potential
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theoretical Potential, lV : Photodisintegration of Deuteron at 20 Mev
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theoretical Potential, III : p-p Scattering at 18.2 Mev
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theorelical Potential, II : Singlet Even State
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theoretical Potential, I : Determination of Coupling Constant and Deuteron Problem
- Determination of the Pion Coupling Constant in Nuclear Forces
- Part II Verification of Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces
- Part I Development of Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces
- A Partial-Wave Analysis of P+P→π^++d Reaction from Threshold to T_L=578 MeV
- On the Contributions from Heavy Pseudoscalar Mesons to the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction
- Effects of the Form Factors in the One-Boson-Exchange Model of Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering
- Experimental Estimate for the Left-Hand-Cut Contributions in Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering
- Low Energy Pin Photoproduction and One-Particle-Exchange Model
- Dispersion Theoretic Calculation of Two-Pion-Exchange Contribution in Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering. I : Formulations and General Results of Numerical Calculation
- Dispersion Theoretic Calculation of the Two-Pion-Exchange Contribution in Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering. II : Detailed Investigation by Comparison with the OBEC Amplitude
- Chapter 1 Potential Model Approach
- Three-Alpha Structure of ^C in the Boson Model
- On the Collective Mode of Internal Motion of the Nucleus to be coupled with the Irrotational Surface Motion
- Meson-theoretical Potentials in N^
- The Properties of the Meson Theoretical Potentials in Li^6
- Chapter I Introduction
- Microscopic Study of ^O-^O Interaction by the Resonating Group Method
- 中性子星の冷却問題(バリオン力とバリオン物質,研究会報告)
- 中性子星コアにおけるハイペロン超流動(ハイペロンの混合とストレンジネス多体系,研究会報告)
- 1pSE-12 ハイペロン超流動のYY,YN相互作用依存性
- 26aSH-10 中性子星のハイペロンコア及びハイパー核物質におけるΛ-、Σ-、Ξ-超流動
- 28a-YG-9 ハイペロン物質におけるΛ-, Σ-超流動
- A Possible Origin of Repulsive Core in Nuclear Forces
- Energy Gap in Nuclear Matter
- Cluster-Model Study of the T=1 States in A=4 System : ^3He+p Scattering
- Structure of the Second 0^+ State of ^4He
- On the Polarization in Elastic Pion-Nucleon Scattering in a Few GeV Region
- Attenuation of ^3P_2-Superfluidity in Neutron Star Matter Due to Charged-Pion Condensation
- Dependence on Spin and Isospin of Short-Range Nuclear Forces in Modified OPEG
- Superfluidity of Λ-Hyperons Admixed in Neutron Star Cores
- Nucleon Superfluidity in Neutron Star Core with Direct URCA Cooling
- Quasi-Neutron ^3P_2-Dominant Superfluidity under π^0 Condensation with Δ Isobar : Nuclear Physics
- Baryonic ^3P_2 Superfluidity under Charged-Pion Condensation with Δ Isobar : Nuclear Physics
- Effects of Charged-Pion Condensation on Neutron ^3P_2 Superfluidity : Nuclear Physics
- Neutron-Proton Scattering and Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces