Baryonic ^3P_2 Superfluidity under Charged-Pion Condensation with Δ Isobar : Nuclear Physics
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Baryonic ^3P_2 superfluidity under charged-pion (π^c) condensation is studied by taking into account the Δ isobar degrees of freedom, in order to seek the possibility of the coexistence of the two hadronic condensates in the high density core of neutron stars. To treat such a coexistence problem, we develop a formulation of the pairing correlation due to the interaction between quasi-baryons under π^c condensation. Quasi-baryons are described as a superposition of the quasi-neutron consisting of the neutron plus the isobar Δ^- and the quasi-proton consisting of the proton plus the isobar Δ^<++>. In this formulation, effects of Δ-mixing on the ^3P_2 pairing interaction can be expressed in a compact form as an additional ^3P_2 potential, which arises from the modification of the isospin and spin-isospin components of realistic nuclear forces due to Δ-mixing. The Δ-mixing brings about significant attractive contributions to the ^3P_2 pairing potential with moderate dependence on the density ρ. In the nucleon sector, repulsive effects on the pairing potential appear at short distance, growing with ρ. As a result of the competition between the two, the baryonic ^3P_2 superfluid critical temperature T_c under π^c condensation is higher than the internal temperature of neutron stars, and the superfluid exists, up to about (3-5) times the nuclear density ρ_0. For ρ ≳ 3ρ_0, the persistence of the superfluid under π^c condensation is regarded as model-dependent: T_c depends largely on the behavior of the condensed-π^c momentum and short-range properties of nuclear forces.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1999-05-25
高塚 龍之
Faculty Of Humanities And Social Sciences Iwate University
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
玉垣 良三
Kyoto University
Takatsuka Tatsuyuki
Faculty Of Humanities And Social Sciences Iwate University
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