Effects of Charged-Pion Condensation on Neutron ^3P_2 Superfluidity : Nuclear Physics
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Effects of charged-pion(π^c) condensation on neutron ^3P_2 superfluidity are investigated by taking account of realistic aspects of the π^c condensation realized at high density in neutron star interior. Coexistence of the two hadronic condensates is formulated as the pairing correlation in the system of quasi-neutrons described as a superposition of neutron and proton by adopting an aligned angular-momemtum coupling for the ^3P_2 pairing, under the restriction of the baryonic degrees of freedom to the nucleonic one. We find a mild effect of the π^c condensation due to which, compared with the case without the π^c condensation, the critical temperature of ^3P_2 superfluidity is slightly larger at densities up to about three times the nuclear density, and becomes smaller as density goes higher. Discussion is given concerning the dependence of the results on the π^c condensation parameters, effective mass and so forth.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1997-02-25
Kyoto University
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
玉垣 良三
Kyoto University
Takatsuka Tatsuyuki
Faculty Of Humanities And Social Sciences Iwate University
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- An Explanation of N-N "Repulsive Core" in Terms of Forbidden States Based on the Quark Model
- Neutrino Interactions in Octet Baryon Matter
- Chapter X Outlook
- Chapter VIII Implications of Various Hadron Phases to Neutron Star Phenomena
- Chapter VII Neutral Pion Condensation in Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter
- Chapter VI A Chiral Symmetry Approach to Meson Condensations
- Chapter V Toward Realistic Treatment of Neutral Pion-Condensed State
- Chapter III Characteristic Aspects of Pion-Condensed Phases
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- Part II Verification of Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces
- Part I Development of Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces
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- Chapter I Introduction
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- コメント : 中性子星物質中でのバリオン超流動(K中間子-核子相互作用とK中間子凝縮,研究会報告)
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- Chapter I Overview
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- 核力をめぐって (自然認識としての力--第5の力まで)
- コメント(1)(基研研究会『90年代に向けての核物理の展望』,研究会報告)
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- 6a-G-7 中性子星コアのハイペロン超流動,II
- 2a-E-3 中性子星コアのハイペロン超流動
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- Quasi-Neutron ^3P_2-Dominant Superfluidity under π^0 Condensation with Δ Isobar : Nuclear Physics
- Baryonic ^3P_2 Superfluidity under Charged-Pion Condensation with Δ Isobar : Nuclear Physics
- Quasi-Neutron 3P2-Dominant Superfluidity under π0 Condensation with Δ Isobar
- Nucleon Superfluidity in Neutron Star Core with Direct URCA Cooling
- Effects of Charged-Pion Condensation on Neutron ^3P_2 Superfluidity
- Nucleon Superfluidity in Kaon-Condensed Neutron Stars
- Effects of Charged-Pion Condensation on Neutron ^3P_2 Superfluidity : Nuclear Physics