In vivo Dentin Caries Model using Rat Molars
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Experimental dentinal caries was induced in rat molars which were inoculated orally with Streptococcus mutans and maintained on a carionenic diet 2000. After 30 days on the diet, the rats were sacrificed. The caries lesions were confirmed with a caries detector, then nanohardness determination of caries dentin were measured with nanoindentation. After hardness measurement, the lesion was examined by SEM and EDS. Dentin caries in sixteen fissures was induced among 20 fissures in the mandibular molars. The softening front of caries dentin was confirmed to extend deeper beyond the staining front. The mineral loss and demineralization were seen in the softened dentin which was not stainable with the caries detector. In this area, some of the dentinal tubules were occluded as well as human dentinal caries. The results indicated that the characteristics of caries dentin in rat molars were similar to active lesion in human dentinal caries.
- 硬組織再生生物学会の論文
Hanada Nobuhiro
Department Of Oral Health National Institute Of Public Health
Tagami Junji
Cariology & Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Dentistry Tokyo Medical And Dental Uni
Hanada Nobuhiro
Department Of Oral Science The National Institute Of Infectious Diseases(niid)
Higashi Takashi
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Tokyo Medical And Dental Univer
Tagami Junji
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Tokyo Medical And Dental Univer
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