Surface Properties of Resin Composite Materials Relative to Biofilm Formation
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The surface properties of three different resin composite materials which influence Streptococcus mutans biofilm formation were evaluated using an artificial mouth system (AMS). Specimens were prepared from Clearfil AP-X, Grandio, and Reactmer Paste, and each material was divided into two groups : (1) surface was ground with 800-grit silicon paper (SiC#800) ; or (2) surface was polished with up to 1-μm diamond paste (DP1μm). Biofilms were grown on the surface of each specimen for 20 hours, and then subjected to vortex agitation followed by measurement of retained biofilms. Surfaces with retained biofilms were also inspected by SEM. Significant differences were detected in surface roughness (Ra) between the two polishing conditions for all materials. The quantity of retained biofilm was significantly less (p<0.05) on Clearfil AP-X DP 1μm than on Clearfil AP-X SiC#800. With Reactmer Paste, their surfaces registered the lowest amount of retained biofilm-but there were no significant differences between the two polishing conditions. In conclusion, polishing did not render all resin composites equally resistant to biofilm formation.
- 日本歯科理工学会の論文
花田 信弘
Cariology and Operative Dentistry, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and
Cariology and Operative Dentistry, Department of Restorative Sciences, Graduate School of Medical an
花田 信弘
花田 信弘
鶴見大学 歯学部 探索歯学講座
IKEDA Masaomi
Cariology and Operative Dentistry, Department of Restorative Sciences, Graduate School, Tokyo Medica
Hanada Nobuhiro
Department of Oral Health, National Institute of Public Health
MATIN Khairul
Cariology and Operative Dentistry, Department of Restorative Sciences, Graduate School, Tokyo Medica
Matin Khairul
Matin Khairul
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Graduate School Tokyo Medical A
Matin Khairul
国立保健医療科学院 口腔保健部
Hanada Nobuhiro
Department Of Oral Health National Institute Of Public Health
ONO Masahiro
Cariology and Operative Dentistry, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
IMAI Susumu
Department of Oral Health, National Institute of Public Health
Ikeda Masaomi
Faculty Of Dentistry School For Dental Technology Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Harada Naoko
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Graduate School Tokyo Medical A
Imai Susumu
Department Of Electronics College Of Engineering University Of Osaka Prefecture
Nikaido Toru
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Graduate School Of Medical And
Nikaido Toru
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Graduate School Tokyo Medical A
Nikaido Toru
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Graduate School Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Tagami Junji
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Graduate School Tokyo Medical A
Tagami Junji
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Tagami Junji
Cariology & Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Dentistry Tokyo Medical And Dental Uni
Tagami Junji
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Graduate School Tokyo Medical A
花田 信弘
Hanada Nobuhiro
Department Of Oral Science The National Institute Of Infectious Diseases(niid)
Harada Naoko
Faculty Of Dentistry Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Ikeda M
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Graduate School Tokyo Medical A
Tagami Junji
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Science Tokyo Medical And Dental Univers
Tagami Junji
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Tokyo Medical And Dental Univer
Ono Masahiro
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Graduate School Of Medical And
Harada Naoko
Tokyo Medical And Dental Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Nikaido Toru
Cariology And Operative Denatistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Graduate School Of Medical And
Ono Masahiro
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Tokyo Medical And Dental University
Tagami Junji
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Graduate School Tokyo Medical A
Hanada Nobuhiro
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Graduate School Of Medical And
Ikeda Masaomi
Cariology And Operative Dentistry Department Of Restorative Sciences Graduate School Of Medical And
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