特別発言 1.胃液分泌の面から(精神身体医学からみた胃・十二指腸潰瘍)
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In connection to a series studies on the psychosomatic relations of diseases in the field of internal medicine, the present report deals with a clinical study on the relationships of gastric acid secretion to anxiety levels according to Taylor's manifest anxiety scale (MAS) and to personality traits according to Maudsley personality inventory (MPI) in patients with gastric ulcer or with duodenal ulcer. By comparing with the matched pair subjects, a significant correlation between MAS scores and maximal acid output (MAO) after stimulation with gastrin-peptide was found in cases with duodenal ulcer. There was a highly significant increase of MAO in the group of duodenal ulcer patients with high neurotic and intravert tendencies, as compared to MAO in the group of patients with lower neurotic and extravert tendencies. On the other hand, there was no correlation between psychological surveys and gastric acid secretion in most cases with gastric ulcer. Of these, however, cases with recurrent, relapsing and proctracted ulcer were found to show a highly significant correlation between MAS scores and MAO. These results show a difference of gastric acid secretion related to clinico-psychological characteristics between gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. It is therefore suggested that the psychosomatic. consideration are of prime importances in the diagnosis and treatment of cases with duodenal ulcer as well as of cases with recurrent, relapsing or proctracted gastric ulcer.
- 日本心身医学会の論文
- 1971-02-01
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