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The patients with kidny insufficiency have been helped to prolong their life by aid of hemodialysis. Some problems have been added, however, not only physical side, but also to psychological side as well.In this paper, wer discussed a case who underwent the treatment of hemodialysis. The patient was a 45-year old homewife. Her medical history and family history showed no particular findings. Since she could not eat she received nasal feeding for about three months.Her anorexia and fatigue began in the middle of June 1973. She was admitted to the internal department of our hospital on 25th of July 1973. At once she received hemodialysis and fortunately became well by the therapy. She left the hospital on 3rd of December 1973.She came back to our hospital due to aggravation on 8th of December 1973. As she complained of nausea, anorexia and gastric pain, she was obliged to receive nasal feeding on 13th of December 1973. Many physical examinations showed no abnormal signs in digestive organs and CNS. Since we found that she was found of nasal feeding, we sent her to the department of neuropsychiatry on 25th of February 1974.After she was treated by drug therapy (Diazepam and Oxazolam) and psychotherapy (supportive therapy), she began to eat total meal and recovered from the disease within one month. She left our hospital on 30th of May 1974. It is one year since she was discharged, but she is presently woking hard.We found a slightly abnormal pattern in her EEG. Her IQ was 70 in Wechsler-Bellevue test and she showed M=1,CF>FC, low of form level, three of pathological blood reactions in Rorschach test. From the fact mentioned above, her condition was related to her emotional unstability and severe anxiety about her body.
- 1976-08-01
- 透析腎からの腎腫瘍発生
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