- 論文の詳細を見る
During the initial stage of sex pheromone isolation in the smaller tea tortrix moth (Adoxophyes sp.), a particular fraction of Florisil column chromatography was found to be attractive for female moths of this species under field conditions. The active principle of this fraction was the acetic acid used as an ingredient of the chromatographic solvent. Subsequent field screening of 23 volatile acids revealed that acrylic, methacrylic, and propanoic acids are attractive for the female moths, though their potency was about one tenth of that of 20 virgin females attractive for males. Time of female trapping with acrylic acid traps coincided with the time of female trapping by a light trap. Almost all the female caught by the acrylic acid traps carried at least one spermatophore. EAG response of female moths to acrylic acid was weaker than that of males. No appreciable amounts of acetic, propanoic, acrylic, and methacrylic acids were detected in the volatile substances collected on Porapak R from fresh tea leaves.
- 日本応用動物昆虫学会の論文
- 1984-08-25
- チャノコカクモンハマキ雄成虫の性フェロモントラップへの誘殺時刻とその季節的変化
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- 323 チャノコカクモンハマキ性フェロモントラップの有効範囲および誘引時刻
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- F218 カンシャノシンクイハマキの性フェロモン : 7.圃場における交信攪乱基礎試験(交信攪乱)