Urinary Growth Hormone Excretion is Increased in the Patients with Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Complicated with Diabetic Microangiopathy.
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We have examined urinary level of growth hormone (U-GH) in the non-insulin dependent diabetics with or without diabetic microangiopathy. Concentration of U-GH was significantly increased in the diabetics compared with those in the healthy control subjects. When urinary level of growth hormone was compared among diabetics with normoalbuminuria, micloalbuminuria, and macroproteinuria, the highest value was found in the diabetics with macroproteinuria, and followed by those with microalubuminuria and with normoalbuminuria, though significant statistical difference was only observed between diabetics with normoalbuminuria and macroproteinuria (p<0.01). The association between urinary growth hormone excretion and the severity of the diabetic retinopathy was also studied, and it was found urinary growth hormone excretion was increased with the progression of the retinopathy, though significant difference was only found between diabetics without retinopathy and with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The urinary growth hormone excretion was positively correrated with urinary albumin excretion (r=5.01,p=<0.01), and well known marker protein of the renal tubular damage, N-acethyl-B-D-glucosaminidase (U-NAG)(r=0.236,p<0.05), and β 2-microglobulin (BMG)(r=0.559,p<0.01), and negatively correlated with creatinine crealance (Ccr)(r=0.521,p<0.02). From these results, we can speculate urinary growth hormone may become an useful marker in screening for the diabetic microangiopathy, since it was demonstrated that urinary growth hormone excretion is closely associated with those of marker protein for the renal glomerular and tubular damage, and the clinical stage of the retinopathy and nephropathy.
- 鈴鹿医療科学大学の論文
- 1995-03-31
清野 裕
渡邊 卓
清野 裕
鈴鹿医療科学大学 医療栄養学科
門脇 誠三
Department Of Clinical Nutrition Faculty Of Health Science Suzuka University Of Medical Science And
Kadowaki Seizo
三浦 俊宏
宇佐美 勝
三浦 俊宏
Department of Clinical Nutrition, Suzuka University of Medical Science and Technology, Faculty of He
宇佐美 勝
Department of Clinical Nutrition, Suzuka University of Medical Science and Technology, Faculty of He
清野 裕
Department of Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition, Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine
鈴木 清
鈴木 清
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Shimada Municipal Hospital
杉本 智惟子
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Shimada Municipal Hospital
赤澤 好温
Department of Clinical Nutrition, Faculty of Health Science Suzuka University of Medical Science and
石田 均
Department of Metabolism and Clinical Nutrition, Kyoto University School of Medicine
宇佐美 勝
医療法人社団正名会 池田病院
赤澤 好温
Department Of Clinical Nutrition Faculty Of Health Science Suzuka University Of Medical Science And
三浦 俊宏
Department Of Clinical Nutrition Suzuka University Of Medical Science
杉本 智惟子
Department Of Clinical Laboratory Shimada Municipal Hospital
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