- 論文の詳細を見る
We measured the retardations of phase retardation plates by appling a new method that was proposed by one of the authors. It also enables us to know the azimuths of the fast axis of the phase retardation plates and the optical constants of the reflecting surface used at the same time. The measurements were made by means of the conventional rotating analyzer type ellipsometer (PSCA) which was equipped with a microcomputer for data acquisition and processing. The retardation of the phase retardation plate can be obtained by rotating the plate by 90゜ in the measurements. It takes about 3 minutes to accomplish the measurements. This is faster than other conventional methods. In our measurement system, the phase retardation plate is rotated by the stepping motor. By replacing the stepping motor to DC servo motor the measurement will be accomplished in a few seconds. A glass substrate covered with the MgF_2 film was used as the reflecting surface. The wavelength of the light was 632.8nm. We measured the retardations of four phase retardation plates. Their retardations estimated by their thickness were 87.0゜, 85.1゜, 61.2゜, and 59.3゜. We also obtained the optical constants of the reflecting surface used. The refractive index and film thickness of the MgF_2 film on glass substrate were in the range of 1.394∿1.397 and 143.9nm∿146.9nm, respectively. The optical constants of the reflecting surface was checked by the polarizer-specimen-analyzer ellipsometer measurements (PSA). We also measured the retardation of one phase retardation plate at three different angles of incidence 60.0゜, 70.0゜, and 75.0゜. The retardations measured were 83.60゜, 83.74゜, and 83.81゜ respectively.
川畑 州一
横田 英嗣
東海大 工
横田 英嗣
横田 英嗣
大蔵 貴博
深澤 正大
大蔵 貴博
東海大学工学研究科修士課程:(現) (株)京セラ
川畑 州一
川畑 州一
川畑 州一
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