- 論文の詳細を見る
This research focused on rater's information processing in evaluating ratee's ability and performance. Study 1 examined experimentally how the external frame had effects on rating value and individual differences. Ss (raters) were assigned to one of three conditions which have different frames for evaluation. There were with clear evaluation purpose, with evaluation dimension, and without either, respectively. After this, Ss observed a ratee through video and evaluated her present and future performance. Findings indicated that the difference in frame do not influence rating value, but generate the individual variances in performance evaluation. The variances appeared significantly smaller for Ss in external frame conditions than Ss in no external frame conditions. Study 2 inquired about whether rater had internal frame, and if do, what kinds of internal frame raters had, by using group interview. The results suggested that raters refereed internal frames regarding self, ratees, or job and organization in information processing. There were internal frames that all raters referred or some raters did.
- 中村学園大学の論文
- 2001-09-15
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