自尊感情と自己認知との関係性 : 他者からみられている自己に着目して
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Self-esteem is associated with positive self-cognition. Previously, self-cognition was represented by how the "actual" self was discrepant from the "ideal" self. These cognitions were assessed individually as "what I am : and "what I would like to be." In this study, we paid attention to self-cognition based on "being perceived by others as a new criterion of self-cognition. Specifically, these cognitions were assessed individually as "I am perceived by others as what I am" and "I am perceived by others as what I would like to be." The discrepancies between these two kinds of self-cognition and "actual" self were calculated, and the relationships between these three discrepancies and self-esteem were examined. Further, the moderating effects of public and private self-consciousness on the relationships were analyzed. Results again confirmed the fact that self-cognition, based on the discrepancy between ideal and actual self, was strongly related to self-esteem. Moreover, self-cognition based on "being perceived by others" was found to be significantly related to self-esteem. These relationships were stronger for subjects with private self-consciousness.
- 九州大学の論文
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