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Employee's discretionary behavior has been studied from various viewpoints such as organizational citizenship behavior, prosocial organizational behavior, extra-role behavior, contextual performance and so on. Previous researchers had an implicit assumption that the discretion means extra-role behavior, but they included unintention ally in-role behavior in their measurements. Although they had arguments about the definition of discretion, there is no consensus among researchers. In addition, they merely examined similarities and dissimilarities in the concepts from their own points of view. This review intends to propose a new framework that can integrate the various types of previous concepts on discretion. The new framework describes discretionary behavior by focusing on (a) the degree of employee's perception of the behavior as enforced and (b) the kinds of domains of employee's behavior exhibited. Through this new framework, we can deal with the discretionary behavior exhibited within in-role, especially in the service-oriented organizations.
- 九州大学の論文
- 2006-03-31
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