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記事区分:原著The procumbent habit of many weeds is one of the adaptive morphogenetic movements of plants; the orientation of the leaves or stems is influenced greatly by external and internal factors such as light, gravity, and growth substances. We studied the effects of light or darkness and of the growth substances (gibberellin and ethrel) on the angle of elevation of the stems or leaves in six species of weeds with a procumbent habit. Procumbent weeds kept in total darkness or partial darkness by the covering of one of the surfaces of each leaf blade with aluminium foil for more than 24 hr became upright as did plants kept in weak light conditions for the same time. They became prostrate again when returned to conditions of natural day light. The application of gibberellin also caused the weeds to become upright. The application of ethrel caused the stem of some weeds to bend downward. The results suggested that growth substances and differential sensitivity of the upper or lower sids of leaf blades may influence the orierntation of the stems or leaves of weed plants under different light conditions.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1989-03-20
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