学生は読み聞かせ活動をどのように捉えるのか? : カード構造化法による経験の異なる学生間の比較
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study to explore the impact of experience on students in watching the sessions of reading picture-books to children. 4 groups of students whose major fields of study were different were asked to watch the video-tape of 3 kindergarten teachers reading the same picture-book, with writing down in cards whatever topics that come to mind. And then they were asked to categorize the cards and label them (i.e.,Card Constructing Method). After that, the questionnaire on experiences about picture-book reading was conducted. The analyses of the cards, categories, and questionnaire revealed that: (1) students trained as preschool teachers wrote the most cards from the various viewpoints, and especially they focused more on the interactions of teachers and children. (2) Not only direct experiences of reading to children but also indirect ones affected students in watching picture-book reading. (3) Moreover the degree of liking for picture-books experiences influenced students, too. (4) Experience helped students to expand their horizon, but didn't help them to have a long-term view of children's development. (5) Finally, based on these results, I supposed an effective education for training preschool teachers.
- 2003-10-31
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