Evidendce for inter-generational instability in the CAG repeat in the MJD1 gene and for conserved haplotypes at flanking markers amongstJapanese and Caucasian subjects with Machado-Joseph disease
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- The gene for hereditary progressive dystonia with markeddiurnalfluctuation maps to chromosome 14q
- Evidendce for inter-generational instability in the CAG repeat in the MJD1 gene and for conserved haplotypes at flanking markers amongstJapanese and Caucasian subjects with Machado-Joseph disease
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- Pure cerebellar ataxia phenotype in Machado-Joseph disease
- An autopsy case of hereditary adult-onset Alexander disease with an identified GFAP gene mutation
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- 高比活性CAG反復配列プローブを用いたサザンハイブリダイゼーションによるヒトゲノム中の増大したCAG反復配列の同定法
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- Intergenerational instability of the ACG repeat of the gene forMachado-Joseph disease (MJD1) is affected by the genotype of the normalchromosome : Implication for the molecular mechanisms of theinatability of the CAG repeat
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- Trial to establish an animal model of paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) with anti-Yo antibody 2.Passive transfer of murine mononuclear cells activated with recombinant Yo protein naive SJL orPCD lymphocytes to severe combined immunodeficiency (
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- Long-term course of change in anti-Yo antibody content in paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration