奈良県における障害児学校教員の労働と健康 : 腰痛問題を中心に
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Nowadays, the health problem of special school teachers become more serious. That is caused by the lack of sufficient working condition in special school. This report is to clarify the actual labor and health conditions of the special school teathers in Nara prefecture. The investigation on one-day life schedule shows that most of them have only six or seven hours sleep and it's very hard for them to have rest time at school. Long time working at home shortens resting and sleeping time of women. The answers to the question about awareness of health and exhaustion show that half of the teachers to be exhausted. Research with Cumulative Fatigue Symptoms Index (CFSI) resuits that the degree of physical exhaustion of both men and women is extremely high, but that the degree of mental exhaustion is not so high. We think it's because of the atmosphere of their place of work. The results of our investigation show that nearly 70% of them are troubled by lambago (which interferes daily life). Most of them are thirties and half of the troubled teachers get lambago during their working hours. Especially, 60% of them get lambago during less than three-year-work. Not only by guiding childlen with motor handicaps, but also hyperkinetic disorder, they feel lambago. And elementary teachers are mostly troubled. Most of them don't have sufficient holidays because they consider not to suffer fellow workers, but some of them can not help working with hard pain and to be absent long time. Special school teachers themselves feel that the prefecture office makes less progress to get rid of their lumbago. 90% of the teachers are eager to have the official seminor to prevent or any particular action.
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