<研究論文>なわとび運動に関する運動学的一考察 : 恒常的図形時間の原理に着目して
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The purpose of this research was to study rope skipping from the viewpoint of the movement theory, and to clarify the relationship between the dimensions of movement space and the movement time, and thus to try to verify the "principle of the constant figure drawing time" through experiments. Subjects : university students, 94 persons (76 males and 18 females, 18-19yrs. of age) The studied movement; Rope skipping (1 forward-circle by 1 skip) The condition of S (short)-rope; Step on the rope by one foot, the forearms parallel to the floor. The condition of L (Long)-rope; Step on the rope by one foot, hold the ends of the rope at the height of nipples. We filmed these movements by video camera, and analyzed the movement by personal computer system. The results are as follows. 1. The average skipping tempo did not differ so much between the S-rope case and L-rope case. The average was 126.1 skips per minute (S. D.=11.1) for S-rope, and 123.8 skips per minute (S. D.=11.55) for L-rope. 2. The locus of the middle point of ropes in the group of taller students (between 180cm and 190cm) showed larger numerical value both in the changing width of horizontal level and the changing width of vertical level than that of the group of shorter students (between 150cm and 160cm). 3. Coefficiency of correlation between the speed of movement and the height of the skipper was lower for S-rope condition (r=-0.044), and higher for L-rope condition (r=0.005). 4. The average speed value of the rope at the middle point was much greater in the group of taller student than the group of shorter students (p<0.05). The average speed value at the middle point of the L-rope was significantly greater than that of S-rope (p<0.005).
- 1992-02-20
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