「体つくり運動」の教材研究(2) : 「体ほぐしの運動」と「体力を高める運動」の関連性について
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The purpose of this study is to reconsider the definition of 'Exercises for Releasing the Body and Mind' in the National Curriculum Standards, and reveal the relation of 'Exercises for Physical Release' to 'Exercises for Physical Fitness'. The questionnaire was administered to student in the university. The results are follows: 1) The common activities and teaching methods are contained in 'Exercises for Physical Release' and 'Exercises for Physical Fitness'. 2) The point of view making activities of 'Exercises for Physical Release' is also effective for 'Exercises for Physical Fitness'. 3) In the questionnaire, some activities are suited for both 'Exercises for Physical Release' and 'Exercises for Physical Fitness'. These results show the necessity of making activities related to 'Exercises for Physical Release' and 'Exercises for Physical Fitness', for 'Exercises for Releasing the Body and Mind' integrated body and mind.
- 2006-03-31
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