リズムなわとびにおける弾性テンポについて : 第2報
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The present study aims at presenting basic findings on tempo of elasticity of various basic steps in rhythmic rope skipping. It became clear that a rhythm of movement. a feeling of exercise and taking sound on various tempos. The results may be summarized as follwings : 1) In late tempo (♪=80), it showed a irregular wave-pattern of vertical force on plate except 2 rotations per skip of both legs, the time of electric discharge of muscle of legs was long, especially, the tendency was remarkable on the group of 2 skipps, running skip and skip of swinging legs. 2) In late tempos, the quantity of electric discharge of muscle of legs was larger. As tempo became faster, the quantity of electric discharge of muscle of arms increased. 3) On running step, a share of tempo to fit on the sound and to feel easy to skip was widest, conversely, on 2 rotations per skip of both legs the share of tempo was narrowest. 4) As compared the group of 1 skip with 2 skipps, it became clear that in later tempos on the group of 1 skip simultaneity rate between sound and kip was higher, in faster tempos on the group of 2 skipps the rate was higher and feeling of exercise was better.
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