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The present report will be a contribution to clarify the actual condition of instructors teaching gymnastics by using sounds to give timing, rhythm-pattern voice commands etc., for basic movements with whole body. For this purpose, ten instructors with rich teaching experience were chosen subjects; they had respond to movements shown at a VTR-display by performing time-beating with the hands and giving voice commands. Our conclusions from the above experiment are the following; 1) As far as the timing and rhythm-pattern by beating time with the hands, individual differences were small in the case of simple movements, while the movements becoming more complicated, the individual differences became larger. 2) For the bound and swing movements, there was a tendency to beat the time with the hands when the vertical force on the measuring plate increased, and when the muscles of the legs discharged electricity. No one heated the time with the hands when the vertical force exerted on the measuring plate decreased. 3) For the various step and jumping movements, the frequency of the time-beating with the hands was highest when the vertical force exerted on the measuring plate increased and the muscles of the legs discharged electricity. As well as in the very moment the feet are still in the air before the soles touch the plate again. Only a few of the subjects beat at time with the hands at the moment when the vertical force exerted on the plate decreased. 4) As far as voice commands, generally the words indicating rhythm were frequent and varied remarkably among the chosen instructors. There was a tendency for the accentuation of the shouts to follow the wavepattern of the vertical force exerted on the measuring plate.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1987-03-30
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