学生生活の学年変化に関する研究(II) : 第3回・第4回カレッジ・コミュニティ調査資料の比較分析
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The data from the 5 13 undergraduate students who were involved both in the freshman sample or in the sophomore sample of the 3rd survey of CCA (College Community Assessment) in 1982 and in the junior or in the senior sample of the 4th survey in 1984 and responded to both questionaire surveys were analysed to investigate (1) changes in their campus life, (2) changes in their purposes and values, and (3) changes in their recognition of the university enviloment. ( I )Changes in campus life : ~ In the case of the change from the sophomore to the senior, students who live in "boarding houses" or "rented rooms with little interaction among students" decreased in number, while, in the case of the change from the fresman to the junior, students who live in the "boarding houses" or "rented rooms with much interaction among students" increased (2) The average expenditure per month increased by 39.496 (including a price hike of 4.4%) from 32,143yen (median) in their sophomore year to 44,808 yen (median) in their senior year, and by 84.3% from 25,641yen in their freshman year to 47,265yen in their junior year. The difference of the former and the latter was significance. (3) The member of a club or a circle decreased the juniors and the seniors than the freshmen and the sophomores. (4) The students in their freshman year and in their sophomore year registered for 15.1 and 15.5 courses per week on average and attended for 1 1.3 and 10.5,while those in junior and senior year registed for 15.6 and 12.4 courses and attended for 8.4 and 4.0 courses. (5) The juniors and the seniors attach much importance to the seminar than other activities, although the freshmen and the sophomores attach much importance to the language classes. (6) In their leisure hours, the juniors "have a picnic, a walk (an outing) and a drive, etc." more often than the freshmen, and the seniors "go to a movie (show), a play (theater), a concert and an exhibition, etc." and "arranged their personal belongings and clothing and manage their domestic affairs etc " more often than the sophomores. The seniors, especially, have a work more often. (7) Many juniors reported that they obtained information about social trends from "talks with their friends." R According to the senior classes, the students selected as their reference group "the fellows who belonged to the same seminar or laboratory." (9) The students who felt satisfaction wit t e university life increased especially in the case from the sophomore year to the junior year more than in the case from the freshman year to the junior year. (2)Changes in purporses and values : (1)For purporses at the matriculation, the number of students who orient to "culture" in purposes of the university life increased in their senior year than in their sophomore year and the students who orient to "follow another blindly" increased in their junior year than in their freshman year. For purporses at present, the students who aim at "be studious of one's lesson" and "culture" increased in their senior year than m their sophomore year but the students who aim at "an academic career" and to "follow another blindly" increased in their junior year than in their freshman year. (2) Regarding life's values, the number of the students who wanted to "lead an easy life every day . . ." dicreased in their senior year than in their sophomore year. While, the number of the students who wanted to "become rich" increased in their junior year than in their freshman year. R In the case of the change from the sophomores to the seniors, the students who regard university education as usefull increased, while, in the case of the change from freshmen to the juniors, the students who criticized university education increased in number. (4)Naturally, psychological maladjustment to the university life decreased with the senior classes. (3)Changes in recognition of the university enviloment : (1)The positive change among the three subscales in the 'University Env
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