Strategic Human Resource Management of Japanese Multinationals :a Case Study of Japanese Multinational Companies in Britain
- Climatic Change: Science vs Market
- 生活経済と地域社会に関する一考察:テンニースの所論とソーシャル・キャピタルへの視点を含めて
- Labour Market Reforms in the Developing Countries : Lesson from China and USA
- Transmission of Management System from Japan to Britain: a quantitative analysis
- Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in the Financial Sector
- On the Financial Policy Management of Capital Controls to Reduce Volatility of Capital Flows : Case Studies in Chile, Malaysia, and Vietnam in 1990s
- On Stabilization Policy Issues in Transitory Vietnamese Economy toward the Market-oriented System
- Leadership in Management of Japanese Multinational Companies in Home and Host Countries:a comparative analysis of Nissan and Toyota plants in Britain and Japan
- Macroeconomic Policy and its Impacts on Employment in Europe
- Causes and the Solutions of the World Financial Crisis
- Time Varying Responses of Output to Monetary and Fiscal Policy
- Evaluation of the Millennium Goals of the U. N for Africa
- The Role of Relationship Banking on the Performance of Japanese Firms : An Empirical Study on Small and Medium Enterprises
- The Financial Institutions for Common People and Socio-economic Development Policies : Lessons from Some Selected Case Studies
- Impact of Relationship Banking on the Performance of Corporate Firms : A Comparison between Japan and Bangladesh
- 中国経済の不良債権処理問題と債転株に関する一考察
- Multiple Banking Practices and its Impact on the Corporate Borrowers : A Case Study of Bangladesh
- Effect of Higher Financial Leverage on Corporate Borrowers in Bangladesh
- わが国の経済構造変化とフィナンシャル・マネジメントに関する制度論的 一考察
- コ-ポレ-ト・ガバナンスに関する経営経済学的考察
- 金融自由化と家計財務に関する一考察
- 生活設計とパーソナル・ファイナンスに関する一視点
- 家計行動とファイナンスに関する一考察
- Strategic Human Resource Management of Japanese Multinationals :a Case Study of Japanese Multinational Companies in Britain
- Efficiencies of the Corporate Financial System in Japan ; A Study of the Insurance Companies
- 6章 アジア経済と構造改革(I部 アジアの経済発展)
- Corporate Social Responsibility : Benefit, Current Status and Future Trend
- Karl Marx and India
- Japanese Foreign Investments and Electronic Industries in South ― East Asia
- The US Dollar and the International Politics
- Public Financial Policies in a Transitory Economy - an adaptive control model for India
- National Culture, Organizational Culture and Corporate Performances of Japanese Multinational Companies : A structural equation modelling approach
- India's Failed Economic Reform
- New Round of Negotiations in the World Trade Organization and the Developing Countries
- Structural Adjustment Programme and Alternative Economic Policies in Nigeria
- Macroeconomic Polices and International Trade Prospects for China
- Increased Price of Oil and Policy Options in India
- China's Entry to the World Trade Organization and Its Effects
- Russian and Chinese Economic Reforms : A Comparative Analysis
- Japan's Foreign Investments and the International Economy
- On Instrumental Possibilities of the Debate Communication Method for Students Majoring in Management, Economics or Related Social Studies
- Diversities in International Managements of Multinational Corporations : the role of culture
- Effects of Central Banking Behaviour in a Transitory Economy : an econometric control model for India
- Causes of the Collapse of the Soviet System--A Critical Analysis (創立90周年記念論文集)
- 公的金融とサービス需給に関する視点
- Transmission of Management System as Strategy
- Transmission of Management System from Japan to Britain: a quantitative analysis
- The Greek Tragedy and its Lessons
- Free Trade or Trade Management
- Person-Organization Fit in a Japanese Multinational Company: A Comparative Analysis of the Parent Operation and its Thai Subsidiary
- The World Economic Crisis and its Solutions
- Organizational Culture as Resource:A Review
- Origin of the Aryan in India and TheirMigration to Ancient Japan
- The Kashmir Problem and Its Solution
- A Managerial Production Function : Methodological Framework (是枝正啓教授、内田滋教授定年退職記念号)
- Managerial Production Function: a new approach and estimates
- Intersectoral Allocations of Investments:A Re-examination of the Mahalanobis-Feldman thesis
- Economic Reform Programme and Public Fiscal Policies : analysis of economic reforms programme in India