体力に関する研究 : 岡山理科大学新入生(1984)
- 論文の詳細を見る
As a part of the study of physical fitness. the freshman men and women of Okayama University of Science were exmained for physique, speed of reaction time, power, strength, pliability, and endurance. Following result were obtained : 1) As to physique, both men and women were the same size as students of other universties. 2) As to speed of reaction time, men students scored lower than men students of other universities. Women students scored the same as women students from other universities. 3) In a comparsion between the freshmen of the year 1983 and 1984,the freshmen of 1983 scored higher than those of 1984 (p<0.05). 4) As to power function, both men and women scored the same as students of other universities. 5) In a comparsion between the freshmen of the year 1983 and 1984,the freshmen of 1984 were better than those of 1983 (p<0.05). 6) As to back strength, men scored lower than men of other universities. Women scored the same as students of other universities. 7) In a comparsion between the freshmen of the year 1983 and 1984,the freshmen of 1983 were better than those of 1984 (p<0.05). 8) As to grip strength, both men and women scored the same as students of other universities. 9) On the grip strength in a comparsion between the freshmen of the year 1983 and 1984,the freshmen of 1983 and 1984 scored the same. 10) As to trunk extention, both men and women scored lower than men and women of other universities. 11) On the trunk extention in a comparsion between the freshmen of the year 1983 and 1984,the freshmen of 1983 were better than those of 1984 (p<0.05). 12) As to standing trunk flexision, men of 1983 were better than those of 1984 (p<0.05). Women of 1984 were better than those of 1983 (p<0.05). 13) As to endurance function, both men and women scored the same as men and women of other universities. 14) In a comparsion between the freshmen of the year 1983 and 1984,men of 1983 were better than those of 1984 (p<0.05). Women of 1984 were better than those of 1983 (p<0.05)
- 岡山理科大学の論文
猪木原 孝二
川上 雅之
松原 孝
猪木原 孝二
太田 正和
太田 正和
太田 正和
川上 雅之
川上 雅之
猪木原 孝二
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