背負い投げの導入に関する一考察: 第2報 手の使い方について
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The purpose of this study is an analysis of the results of the Seoi-nage Technique concerning the angles of the waist to the top of the head and the waist to the wrist, and that of the waist to the top of the head and the waist to the knee of the throwing judoist. The following results were obtained. 1) As for the judoist whose weight is below 60kg, the average angle of pulling hand is 23,22±3.25 for Yuko, 23,18±2.57 for Wazaari and 24.74±1.58 for Ippon. The one of pushing hand is 30.20±3.23 for Yuko, 30.93±3.80 for Wazaari and 30.01±3.02 for Ippon. 2) As for the judoist whose weight is below 65kg, the average angle of pulling hand is 23.40±2.49 for Yuko, 23.41±2.36 for Wazaari and 24.00±3.08 for Ippon. The one of pushing hand is 31.71±1.89 for Yuko, 32.15±3.04 for Wazaari and 32.40±3.26 for Ippon. 3) As for the judoist whose weight is below 71kg, the average angle of pulling hand is 23.98±1.69 for Yuko, 23.78±1.87 for Wazaari and 24.01±1.93 for Ippon. The one of pushing hand is 33.66±2.45 for Yuko, 33.06±2.57 for Wazaari and 33.24±2.53 for Ippon. 4) As for the judoist whose weight is below 78kg, the average angle of pulling hand is 23.49±2.12 for Yuko, 24.52±1.76 for Wazaari and 24.29±1.45 for Ippon. The one of pushing hand is 34.20±1.12 for Yuko, 33.65±2.03 for Wazaari and 34.52±2.02 for Ippon. 5) As for the judoist whose weight is below 86kg, the average angle of pulling hand is 25.14±1.64 for Yuko, 24.68±2.68 for Wazaari and 24.10±1.87 for Ippon. The one of pushing hand is 36.00±1.67 for Yuko, 33.90±2.07 for Wazaari and 34.23±1.54 for Ippon. 6) As far as pulling hand in all weights are concerned, the average angle is 23.84±0.77 for Yuko, 23.91±0.66 for Wazaari and 24.23±0.31 for Ippon. As far as pushing hand in all weights are concerned, the average angle is 33.15±2.25 for Yuko, 32.74±1.21 for Wazaari and 32.88±1.81 for Ippon. 7) From above results, angle from 23 to 24 is the ideal approach for pulling hand, angle from 32 to 33 is ideal approach for pushing hand. I recognize we should research the up and down movement concerning pulling hands form now on.
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