- 論文の詳細を見る
Based on the evidence reviewed of exercise and anxiety, and of exercise and depression, the following summary statements can be made : 1) Exercise is associated with a significant small-to-moderate reduction in anxiety. 2) This holds for acute and chronic exercise, state and trait anxiety, psychophysiological indices of anxiety and groups differing by gender and age. 3) Exercise is associated with a significant moderate reduction in depression. 4) This holds for acute and chronic exercise, state and trait anxiety, psychophysiological indices of anxiety and groups differing by gender and age. 5) Chronic exercise reduced anxiety more when : exercise sessions lasted 20-60 mins., the training period was more than 8 weeks, the training intensity was 50-70% HRMax, the training frequency was 3-5 times per week with aerobic or non-aerobic exercises. 6) Chronic exercise reduced depression more when : exercise sessions lasted 30 mins. more, the training period was more than 8 weeks, the training intensity was 50-70% HRMax, the training frequency was 3 times per week with aerobic or non-aerobic exercises. 7) The anti-anxeity effect of exercise or the anti-depression effect of exercise were of the same magnitude as that found from the traditional therapies such as drugs, ETC, psychotherapy.
- 山口県立大学の論文
- 2002-03-25
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