<報告>健康関連QOLを改善する身体活動を理解するための運動行動モデル : TPBとTTMについて(<特集>大学院共通科目「生命と生活の質特論」特集)
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The theories of physical activity behavior, behavior change. and interventions were designed to increase exercise adoption and adherence in order to enhance health-related QOL through the promotion of physical activity. Among the physical activity theories and models, theories that have been frequently applied to the investigation of exercise behavior and interventions are the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the transtheoritical model (TTM) The TPB was developed by Ajzen & Fishbein to explain and predict social behavior in specific contexts (e.g., health, exercise) . In the TPB, attitudes toward exercising and social norms about exercise also influence the intention to exercise. And, perceived behavioral control about exercise is a direct determinant of the behavior and an indirect determinant through its influence on intentions. The TTM was developed by Prochaska & DiClemente to explain and predict behavior change and interventions in health domain. The TTM includes Stage of change as a series of behaviorally and motivationally defined 5 stages. And, the TTM includes three constructs that are hypothesized to influence behavioral change. They are Self-efficacy, Decisional balance, Processes of change. So far the reviews offer overwhelming support for the TPB and the TTM as a useful framework for examining physical activity or exercise behaviors.
- 2003-03-26
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- 健康関連QOLを改善する身体活動を理解するための運動行動モデル : TPBとTTMについて(大学院共通科目「生命と生活の質特論」特集)
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