A Case of Well-differentiated Hepatocellular Carcinoma Arising in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
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Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a chronic progressive, autoimmune liver diseasethat increases the risk of hepatobiliary malignancies at a late stage. We report a66-year-old woman with PBC combined with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)accompanied by hypoglycemia. Two large tumors were detected on admission and thepatient died because of tumor rupture and subsequent liver failure. Histologicalanalysis revealed well-differentiated HCC in both of the tumors. Sometimes the patienthad suffered from hypoglycemic attacks of unknown origin, but serum immunoreactiveinsulin (IRI) was within the normal range. It was interesting that such largewell-differentiated hepatocellular carcinomas were generated in PBC.(Electric word count: 100 words)
- 神戸大学の論文
林 祥剛
Yano Yoshihiko
Yoon Seitetsu
Seo Yasushi
Ninomiya Toshiaki
Nagano Hidenobu
Nakaji Miyuki
Hayashi Yoshitake
Kasuga Masato
Yano Yoshihiko
神戸大学 大学院医学系研究科・医学部糖尿病・代謝・内分泌科学
Hayashi Yoshitake
神戸朝日病院 消化器科
Hayashi Yoshitake
Division Of Surgical Pathology Department Of Biological Informatics Kobe University Graduate School
Yano Yoshihiro
First Department Of Pathology Kobe University
Nagano Hidenobu
神戸大学 医系研究 糖尿病代謝消化器腎臓内科学
Nakaji Miyuki
神戸大学 医系研究 糖尿病代謝消化器腎臓内科学
Nakaji Miyuki
First Department Of Pathology Kobe University School Of Medicine
Seo Yasushi
Department Of Clinical Molecular Medicine Division Of Diabetes Digestive And Kidney Diseases
Seo Yasushi
神戸大学 大学院医学系研究科・医学部糖尿病・代謝・内分泌科学
Yoon Seitetsu
Clinical Molecular Medicine Kobe University Graduate School Of Medicine
Yoon Seitetsu
神戸大学 医系研究 糖尿病代謝消化器腎臓内科学
Yoon Seitetsu
神戸大学 医系研究 微生物ゲノム
Kasuga Masato
Department Of Clinical Molecular Medicine Division Of Diabetes Digestive And Kidney Diseases
Hayashi Yoshitake
Division Of Molecular Medicine And Medical Genetics International Center Of Medical Research And Tre
Kasuga M
Kobe Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine
Hayashi Yoshitake
Ninomiya Toshiaki
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Kobe University School Of Medicine
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