- 論文の詳細を見る
The development of seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) is eagerly investigated for its potential of abundant amount of metal resources in Japanese exclusive economic zone. In order to promote the development of SMS and create new ocean industry, the social acceptance for the ecological risk due to the development and the business feasibility for the decision making of investment are significantly important. In the present study, questionnaire survey was conducted about the environmental risks due to SMS development. The results show that the non-specialists feel greater environmental risks than the specialists, which indicates social acceptance could be improved by proper risk communication between them. The economic value of the ecosystem in the vicinity of SMS are also investigated by the questionnaire survey, the result of which is used to determine the scaling factor between ecological and economic values in the inclusive impact index. The environmental risk due to the development of SMS is quantified by analyzing the obtained experts' opinions by means of cross-impact method and species-area relationship. Then the sustainability of the development is investigated by using an inclusive impact index considering both the environmental and the economic factors. From the results, the requirements of the sustainable development are shown for the damaged area and the ratio of species extinction.
- 2012-06-01
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