Management of acute metabolic decompensation in maple syrup urine disease : A multi-center study
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- 1999-04-01
杉山 成司
愛知学院大学 薬学部 疾患病態学講座
Yoshioka Akira
Department Of Pediatrics Nara Medical University
Inoue Fumio
Department Of Hematology Dokkyo University School Of Medicine
Yoshino Makoto
Department Of Pediatrics And Child Health Kurume University School Of Medicine
Yoshino Makoto
Department Of Advanced Materials Science & Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Yamaguchi Universi
Koga Yasutoshi
Department Of Developmental Pediatrics Kurume University School Of Medicine
Sugiyama Naruji
Department Of Pediatrics Aichi-gakuin University School Of Pharmacology
Sugiyama Naruji
Department Of Pediatrics Aichi-gakuin University School Of Dentistry
Yoshioka Akira
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Shizuoka University
Ikeda Tetsuo
Department Of Surgery Oita Prefectural Hospital
Ito Michinori
Department Of Pediatrics School Of Medicine Tokushima University
Kohno Yoshinori
Department Of Neonatology Gifu Prefectural General Medical Center
Kuroda Yasuhiro
Department Of Emergency And Critical Care Medicine Kagawa University Hospital
Suzuki Yasuyuki
Department Of Pediatrics Gifu University School Of Medicine
Suzuki Yasuyuki
Department Of Anesthesia And Intensive Care National Center For Child Health And Development
Kagawa Nutrition University
Department of Pediatrics, Naha Hospital
Department of Pediatrics, Nara Medical University
Kawamura Children's Clinic
Department of Pediatrics, Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Kurume University School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Kurume University School of Medicine
Murakami Soda
Department Of Pediatrics And Child Health Kurume University School Of Medicine
Maesaka Hatae
Department Of Pediatrics Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Ito Michinori
Department Of Pediatrics School Of Medicine University Of Tokushima
Kuroda Yasuhiro
Department Of Pediatrics School Of Medicine University Of Tokushima
Yano Shoji
Department Of Pediatrics And Child Health Kurume University School Of Medicine
Kawamura Masahiko
Kawamura Children's Clinic
Kuroda Yasuhiro
Department Of Applied Biochemistry Institute Of Glycotechnology Tokai University
Inoue Fumio
Department Of Pediatrics Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Suzuki Yasuyuki
Department Of Anesthesia And Icu National Children's Hospital
Kohno Yoshinori
Department Of Pediatrics Nagara National Hospital
Akeda Hideki
Department Of Pediatrics Naha Hospital
Hashimoto Kazuko
Department Of Pediatrics Nara Medical University
Ikeda Tetsuo
Department Of Pediatrics Kumamoto Municipal Hospital
Inoue Fumio
Department Of Cardiology Nihon University School Of Medicine
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- Management of acute metabolic decompensation in maple syrup urine disease : A multi-center study
- A long-term survival case of arginase deficiency with severe multicystic white matter and compound mutations
- Anomaly of chromosome 18 complicated with diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism
- Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 alpha subunit deficiency in a female patient: evidence of antenatal origin of brain damage and possible etiology of infantile spasms
- Mutant alleles associated with late-onset ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency in male patients have recurrently arisen and have been retained in some populations
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- Beneficial effect of pyruvate therapy on Leigh syndrome due to a novel mutation in PDH E1α gene
- Evaluation of valproate effects on acylcarnitine in epileptic children by LC-MS/MS
- A familial case of LEOPARD syndrome associated with a high-functioning autism spectrum disorder
- Hyperoxaluria type I: Therapeutic effects of pyridoxine hydrochloride and inheritance patterns of the disease in a family.
- Arginase activity in peripheral erythrocytes in developing individuals.
- A case of hemolytic anemia in Wilson's disease no evidence for abnormal erythrocyte enzyme activities.