Clinical Trial to Investigate the Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Safety, and Efficacy of Recombinant Factor VIIa in Japanese Patients With Hemophilia With Inhibitors
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-06-01
小嶋 哲人
Department Of Transfusion Medicine Cardiology And Hematology Nagoya University Hospital
小嶋 哲人
小嶋 哲人
名古屋大学 保健
Nagase Hideki
Department Of Pediatrics Nara Medical University
Department of Transfusion Medicine, Cardiology and Hematology, Nagoya University Hospital
Yoshioka Akira
Department of Clinical Research, Maizuru Medical Center
Shirahata A
Department Of Pediatrics School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Shirahata Akira
産業医科大学 医学部小児科学
Shirahata Akira
Department Of Pediatrics School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Saito H
Department Of Hematology Meitetsu Hospital
Hiraoka Sakamaki
Department Of Hematology Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Kojima Tetsuhito
名古屋市立大学 医学系研究科血液腫瘍内科学
Sao Hiroshi
Department Of Hematology Hamamatsu Medical Center
KOJIMA Tetsuhito
First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine
SAITO Hidehiko
First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Yoshioka Akira
天理市立病院 小児科
Saito H
Nagoya Central Hospital
Shirahata A
聖マリアンナ医科大学 医学部医学統計学分野
Shirahata Akira
Univ. Occupational And Environmental Health Kitakyushu Jpn
SHIMA Midori
Department of Pediatrics, Nara Medical University, Kashihara
KAMIYA Tadashi
Japanese Red Cross Aichi Blood Center
FUKUTAKE Katsuyuki
Department of Clinical Pathology, Tokyo Medical University
ARAI Morio
Department of Clinical Pathology, Tokyo Medical University
Department of Hematology, Ogikubo Hospital
TAGAMI Hisamichi
Department of Hematology, Ogikubo Hospital
NAKA Hiroyuki
Department of Pediatrics, Nara Medical University
FUJITA Shigeru
First Department of Internal Medicine, Ehime University School of Medicine
First Department of Internal Medicine, Ehime University School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan
Yagi A
Faculty Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences Fukuyama University
Arai Morio
Department Of Clinical Pathology Tokyo Medical University
Saito Hidehiko
First Department Of Internal Medicine Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Kamizono Junji
Department Of Pediatrics School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Kamizono Junji
Department Of Pediatrics University Of Occupational And Environmental Health Japan
NAKAI Hiroaki
Graduate Student of Osaka University, Japan
Takamatsu J
Division Of Transfusion Medicine Nagoya University Hospital
Takamatsu Junki
Department Of Blood Transfusion Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Nakai H
Department Of Pediatrics Nara Medical University
Saito H
Nagoya National Hospital
Kojima Tetsuhito
First Department First Department Of Internal Medicine Nagoya University School Of Medicine:departme
Nakai Hiroaki
Department Of Pediatrics Nara Medical University
Shima M
Department Of Pediatrics Nara Medical University
Shima Midori
Department Of Pediatrics Nara Medical University
Fukutake Katsuyuki
Department Of Laboratory Medicine Tokyo Medical University
Fujita Shigeru
First Department Of Internal Medicine Ehime University School Of Medicine
Yagi A
Faculty Of Agriculture Shizuoka University
Yagi Akihito
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Shizuoka University
Sakka Makiko
Graduate School Of Bioresources Mie Univ.
Shibata M
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Minamoto Yoko
First Department Of Internal Medicine Ehime University School Of Medicine
Yoshioka A
Department Of Pediatrics Nara Medical University
Takamatsu Junki
Department Of Blood Transfusion Nagoya University Hospital
Suzuki Hideyoshi
Division Of Hematology Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital
Hosaka Naoki
Department Of Pediatrics Nara Medical University
Shirahata Akira
Department Of Analytical Chemistry Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Josai University
Hanabusa Hideji
Department Of Hematology Ogikubo Hospital
Tagami Hisamichi
Department Of Hematology Ogikubo Hospital
Yoshioka Akira
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Shizuoka University
Fukutake Katsuyuki
Department Of Clinical Pathology Tokyo Medical University
Fukuda Kazuyoshi
Department Of Pediatrics Nara Medical University
Arai Morio
Department Of Cardiology Tokai University School Of Medicine
Department of Earth and Space Science Faculty of Science, Osaka University
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
Naka Hiroyuki
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Technology, Gunma University
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