Diagnosis of ischemic small bowel disease by measurement of serum intestinal fatty acid-binding protein in patients with acute abdomen : a multicenter, observer-blinded validation study
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-04-01
Hasegawa Jun
Department of Anesthesiology, Tokai University School of Medicine
山本 格
YAMAZAKI Toshiyuki
Department of Laboratory Medicine
山本 格
山本 格
新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 腎研究施設構造病理学部門
Hatakeyama K
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Niigata University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental S
Hatakeyama Katsuyoshi
新潟大学 医歯学総合研究科消化器一般外科
FUJII Hiroshi
Department of Hematology, Kyoto First Red Cross Hospital
山本 格
Sakai Yasuo
First Department Of Surgery Niigata University School Of Medicine
Tani Tatsuo
Digestive And General Surgery Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences Niigata University
Tani T
1st Department Of Surgery School Of Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Niigata University
Tada Tetsuya
First Department Of Surgery Niigata University School Of Medicine
Kanda T
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Niigata University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental S
Digestive and General Surgery, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata University
OHTA Tamaki
Department of Pathology
Sato Yoshinobu
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Department Of Surgery Niigata University Graduate School O
Yamazaki Toshiyuki
First Department Of Surgery Niigata University School Of Medicine
Hatakeyama K
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Department Of Surgery Niigata University Graduate School O
Hatakeyama K
Niigata Univ. Niigata Jpn
Kanda Tatsuo
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Department Of Regenerative And Transplant Medicine Niigata
Shirai Y
Niigata Univ. Niigata Jpn
Shirai Yoshio
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Department Of Regeneration And Transplant Medicine Niigata
Hirota Masaki
Department Of Surgery Niigata Prefectural Muikamachi Hospital
Hatakeyama Katsuyoshi
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences Niigata Uni
Department of Immunology, and First Department of Surgery, Niigata University School of Medicine
Tada Tetsuya
Department Of Surgery Tachikawa General Hospital
Hatakeyama Ktsuyoshi
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Department Of Surgery Niigata University Graduate School O
Sakai Yasuo
Department Of Surgery Niigata Saiseikai Daini Hospital
Hirota Masaki
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Ibaraki University
Hatakeyama Katsuyoshi
The First Department Of Surgery Niigata University School Of Medicine
Hatakeyama Katsuyoshi
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Department Of Regeneration And Transplant Medicine Niigata
Department of Surgery, Kariwagun General Hospital
TANI Tatsuo
Division of Digestive and General Surgery, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental
Department of Surgery, Nagaoka Chuo General Hospital
Department of Surgery, Niigata Prefecture Yoshida Hospital
FUNAOKA Hiroyuki
DS Pharma Biomedical Co., Ltd.
Hayashi Jun-ichi
Department Of Surgery Japanese Red Cross Nagaoka Hospital
Tamiya Yoichi
Department Of Surgery Niigata Prefecture Yoshida Hospital
Tsukahara Akihiro
Department Of Surgery Niigata Prefecture Shibata Hospital
Tsukahara Akihiro
Department Of Immunology And First Department Of Surgery Niigata University School Of Medicine
Tani Tatsuo
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Niigata University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental S
Sakai Yasuo
Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery The Nippon Dental University School Of Dentistry At Tok
Funaoka Hiroyuki
Ds Pharma Biomedical Co. Ltd.
Nishimura Atsushi
Department Of Surgery Nagaoka Chuo General Hospital
Fujii Hiroshi
Department Of Forensic Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Fukuoka University
Ueki Kyo
Department Of Surgery Kariwagun General Hospital
Fujii Hiroshi
Department Of Biochemistry Niigata University School Of Medicine
Fujii Hiroshi
Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Shinshu University
Yamamoto Tadashi
Department Of Surgery Niigata City General Hospital
Hasegawa Jun
Department Of Anesthesiology Tokai University School Of Medicine
Takata Takuma
Division of Digestive and General Surgery, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
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