Immunolocalization of Aquaporin-9 in Rat Hepatocytes and Leydig Cells
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-02-01
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山本 格
新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 腎研究施設構造病理学部門
Yaoita Eishin
Departmanets of Structural Pathology, Institute of Nephrology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental
OHSHIRO Kazufumi
Department of Structural Pathology, Institute of Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, Niigata University
Department of Structural Pathology, Institute of Nephrology Faculty of Medicine, Niigata University
1st Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Niigata University
1st Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Niigata University
TANI Tatsuo
1st Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Niigata University
Department of Structural Pathology, Institute of Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, Niigata University
1st Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Niigata University
1st Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Niigata University
Nihei Kouei
Nihei Kouei
Department Of Structural Pathology Institute Of Nephrology Faculty Of Medicine Niigata University
Takata Takuma
Departmanets Of Structural Pathology Institute Of Nephrology Graduate School Of Medical And Dental S
Yaoeda Kiyoshi
Niigata Univ. Niigata Jpn
山本 格
Koyama Yu
新潟大学 医歯学総合研究科産科婦人科学教室
Koyama Yu
新潟大学 第1外科
Koyama Y
The First Department Of Surgery Niigata University School Of Medicine
Koyama Yu
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences Niigata Uni
Sakai Yasuo
First Department Of Surgery Niigata University School Of Medicine
Tani Tatsuo
Digestive And General Surgery Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences Niigata University
Tani T
1st Department Of Surgery School Of Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Niigata University
Tada Tetsuya
First Department Of Surgery Niigata University School Of Medicine
Oyamatsu M
Department Of Surgery Niigata University School Of Medicine
Yamamoto T
Dep. Of Structural Pathology Inst. Of Nephrology Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences Niig
Sato Yoshinobu
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Department Of Surgery Niigata University Graduate School O
Ohshiro Kazufumi
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Niigata University
Hatakeyama K
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Department Of Surgery Niigata University Graduate School O
Hatakeyama K
Niigata Univ. Niigata Jpn
Kurosaki Isao
新潟大学 医歯学総合研究科消化器一般外科
Kurosaki Isao
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Department Of Surgery Niigata University Graduate School O
Shirai Y
Niigata Univ. Niigata Jpn
Shirai Yoshio
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Department Of Regeneration And Transplant Medicine Niigata
Yaoita Eishin
Departmanets Of Structural Pathology Institute Of Nephrology Graduate School Of Medical And Dental S
Adhikary Laxman
Department Of Structural Pathology Institute Of Nephrology Faculty Of Medicine Niigata University
Adhikary Laxman
Department Of Pathology Institute Of Nephrology Niigata University School Of Medicine
Hatakeyama Ktsuyoshi
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Department Of Surgery Niigata University Graduate School O
Kurosaki Isao
Division Of Digestive And General Surgery Niigata University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental S
Takata Takuma
Division of Digestive and General Surgery, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
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