Serial Batch Elution of Electric Arc Furnace Oxidizing Slag Discharged from Normal Steelmaking Process into Fresh Water
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The serial batch leaching test of an electronic arc furnace oxidizing slag was performed on the basis of JIS K 0058-1 to investigate the safety of the slag and to clarify the elution mechanism. The slag which was discharged at the time of refining of normal steel was used for this experiment. The slag was dissolved in water whose initial pH was 6.0. After that, the slag was naturally dried. This operation was performed 12 times successively.The dissolution behaviors of Ca and Mg were expressed by the parabolic law. That of Si was expressed by the linear law. The dissolutions of them from the slag were controlled by the diffusion through pore and the surface layer through the surface layer where compositions of FeO and Al2O3 were high. Generally, the dissolve concentrations decreased with the increase in the number of the elution times. The environmentally regulated substances were not detected or less than the levels of the environmental quality standards for soil. Ba, Mn, Mo, K, Na, Sr and W were detected as minor element except for the environmentally regulated elements. Generally, the detected environmentally regulated substances and the other minor elements decreased with the number of the elution times. During the elution of the slag, the pH of the aqueous solution steeply increased initially, and it decreased afterwards. The pH decreased with the increase in the number of the elution times.
- 社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会の論文
- 2010-04-15
伊崎 昌伸
Takahashi Toshiyuki
Department of Cardiology, JR Tokyo General Hospital
伊崎 昌伸
豊橋技術科学大学 機械工学系
Department of Production Systems Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology
伊崎 昌伸
伊崎 昌伸
大阪市立工業研究所 無機化学課
伊崎 昌伸
IZAKI Masanobu
Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute
Izaki M
Osaka Municipal Technical Research Intitute
伊崎 昌伸
Department Of Production Systems Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
伊崎 昌信
Department Of Inorganic Chemistry Osaka Municipal Technical Research Institute
Department of Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University
Ogawa Akiko
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering University Of Fukui
Umemoto Minoru
Department Of Production System Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Umemoto Minoru
Department Of Production Systems Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Takahashi Toshiyuki
Department Of Biology Keio University
Izaki Masanobu
Department Of Production Systems Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Ogawa Akiko
Department Of Chemistry And Biochemistry Suzuka National College Of Technology
Bin Muhd
Department Of Mechanical And Manufacturing Engineering University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Department of Production Systems Engineering, Toyohashi University of Technology
Kobe Steel, Ltd.
Department of Materials Science and Technology, Suzuka National College of Technology
Kanematsu Hideyuki
Department Of Materials Science And Technology Suzuka National College Of Technology
Suzuki Akito
Kobe Steel Ltd.
Yokoyama Seiji
Department Of Production Systems Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Takahashi Toshiyuki
Department Of Chemical Science And Technology Miyakonojo National College Of Technology
Kanematsu Hideyuki
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Suzuka National College Of Technology
Takahashi Toshiyuki
Department Of Biological Science Graduate School Of Science Hiroshima University
伊崎 昌伸
豊橋技術科学大学 大学院工学研究科
Umemoto Minoru
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Toyohashi University Of Technology
Takahashi Toshiyuki
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kinki University
Department of Material Science & Engineering, Suzuka National College of Technology
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