橋爪 一善
橋爪 一善
農業生物資源研究所 発生分化研究グループ 生殖再生研究チーム
Tsunoda Yukio
Laboratory Of Animal Reproduction College Of Agriculture Kinki University
Tsunoda Yukio
Laboratory Of Animal Reproduction College Of Agriculture And Research Institute For Animal Developme
Hashizume Kazuyoshi
Reproductive Biology And Technology Laboratory Developmental Biology Department National Institute O
Tokunaga Tomoyuki
Development And Differentiation Laboratory Developmental Biology Department National Institute Of Ag
Reproductive Biology and Technology Laboratory, Developmental Biology Department, National Institute
Reproductive Biology and Technology Laboratory, Developmental Biology Department, National Institute
Reproductive Biology and Technology Laboratory, Developmental Biology Department, National Institute
Kaneyama Kanako
Reproductive Biology And Technology Laboratory Developmental Biology Department National Institute O
Ushizawa Koichi
Reproductive Biology And Technology Laboratory Developmental Biology Department National Institute O
Ushizawa Koichi
Reproductive Biology And Technology Laboratory Developmental Biology Department National Institute O
Takahashi Toru
Reproductive Biology And Technology Laboratory Developmental Biology Department National Institute O
牛澤 浩一
Reproductive Biology and Technology Laboratory, Developmental Biology Department, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
高橋 透
Reproductive Biology and Technology Laboratory, Developmental Biology Department, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
金山 佳奈子
Reproductive Biology and Technology Laboratory, Developmental Biology Department, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
- ウシ妊娠期の大型黄体細胞における暗調顆粒の超微形態学的特性とリラキシン免疫局在
- 胎盤組織培養系におけるウシ胎盤性ラクトジェンの免疫反応性と生物活性
- 時間分解蛍光免疫測定によるニホンジカ血漿プロジェステロン濃度の直接測定法
- 細胞非接着性培養プレートによるウシ子宮内膜間質細胞のスフェロイド作製
- マウスES細胞由来核移植卵の発生能に及ぼす集合ならびに再核置換の影響
- Gene Expression in Individual Bovine Somatic Cell Cloned Embryos at the 8-cell and Blastocyst Stages of Preimplantation Development
- ウシ子宮内膜培養細胞におけるマトリックスメタロプロテナーゼ2および9の産生
- 子宮内膜および栄養膜細胞におけるEMMPRINの発現とその分子機能解析
- B26 コラーゲンゲルによるウシ子宮内膜間質細胞の3次元培養におけるMMPsおよびTIMPs発現調節
- 胎盤モデルを生体外で作製する試み
- 乳牛の黄体制御による分娩後の受胎早期化
- PVP-I注入による後分娩乳牛の早期生殖機能の回復
- Discoordinate Regulation of Expression of Matrix Metalloproteinases and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases-3 in Bovine Endometrial Stromal Cells on Type-I Collagen Gel
- An Antiprogesterone, Onapristone, Enhances the Gene Expression of Promatrix Metatloproteinase 3/Prostromelysin-1 in the Uterine Cervix of Pregnant Rabbit
- 細胞非接着性培養プレートによるウシ子宮内膜間質細胞のスフェロイド作製
- 時間分解蛍光免疫測定によるニホンジカ血漿プロジェステロン濃度の直接測定法
- ウシ妊娠期の大型黄体細胞における暗調顆粒の超微形態学的特性とリラキシン免疫局在
- 1995年度実験動物使用数調査の結果について
- Effect of the Timing of First Cleavage on In vitro Developmental Potential of Nuclear-Transferred Bovine Oocytes Receiving Cumulus and Fibroblast Cells
- 性腺刺激ホルモン放出ホルモン類縁物質を持続投与されたウシにおける,卵胞刺激ホルモン及びウマ絨毛性性腺刺激ホルモン投与後の血中ステロイドホルモン動態(細菌学)
- 胎盤組織培養系におけるウシ胎盤性ラクトジェンの免疫反応性と生物活性
- Aging of Recipient Oocytes Reduces the Development of Cloned Embryos Receiving Cumulus Cells
- Expression of Integrin Subunits Depend on Bovine Endometrial Stromal Cells Cultured In Vitro
- ブタ単為発生卵ならびに胎子繊維芽細胞由来核移植卵の体外発生能に及ぼす酸素気相の影響
- S5 ウシの着床に関わる結合組織変化
- Caprine somatic cell nuclear transfer using in vivo matured oocytes collected by laparoscopic follicular aspiration
- The Recent Progress on Nuclear Transfer in Mammals
- ウシ体細胞核移植卵由来胚盤胞の凍結保存:発育ステージが凍結融解後の生存性に及ぼす影響
- Effects of Several Factors on the Monozygotic Twin Production in the Mouse
- cDNAマイクロアレイによるウシ栄養膜細胞株(BT-1)の遺伝子発現プロファイル
- Development of Enucleated Mouse Oocytes Receiving PDGF or FGF Treated Fetal Male Germ Cells after Activation with Electrical Stimulation
- Nuclear Transplantation of Mouse Inner Cell Mass and Trophectoderm Cells into Enucleated Two-Cell Embryos
- Effects of the Age of Donor Embryos on the Developmental Ability of Bovine Nuclear Transferred Eggs In Vitro
- マウスES細胞由来核移植卵の発生能に及ぼす核移植方法の影響
- Biology of the prolactin family in bovine placenta : II. Bovine prolactin-related proteins : Their expression, structure and proposed roles
- Pluripotency of mouse embryonic cells on germline at 3.5-8.5 and 11.5 days post-coitum after aggregation with precompacted embryos Yoko
- Gene Expression Profiles of Bovine Trophoblastic Cell Line (BT-1) Analyzed by a Custom cDNA Microarray