Threshold Equalization for On-Line Signature Verification
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In on-line signature verification, complexity of signature shape can influence the value of the optimal threshold for individual signatures. Writer-dependent threshold selection has been proposed but it requires forgery data. It is not easy to collect such forgery data in practical applications. Therefore, some threshold equalization method using only genuine data is needed. In this letter, we propose three different threshold equalization methods based on the complexity of signature. Their effectiveness is confirmed in experiments using a multi-matcher DWT on-line signature verification system.
- (社)電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2008-08-01
中西 功
Nakanishi I
Tottori Univ. Tottori‐shi Jpn
Itoh Y
Faculty Of Engineering Tottori University
Itoh Yoshio
Faculty Of Engineering Tottori University
Itoh Yoshio
Fac. Of Engineering Tottori Univ.
Fukui Y
Faculty Of Engineering Tottori University
Nakanishi Isao
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
Fukui Y
Graduate School Of Engineering Tottori University
Graduate School of Engineering, Tottori University
ITOH Yoshio
Graduate School of Engineering, Tottori University
FUKUI Yutaka
Graduate School of Engineering, Tottori University
Itoh Y
Tottori Univ. Tottori‐shi Jpn
Nakanishi Isao
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University
Sakamoto Hiroyuki
Graduate School Of Engineering Tottori University
- 人体伝搬信号を用いたバイオメトリックス認証(情報セキュリティ基礎)
- BS-11-2 脳波による個人認証の研究(BS-11.バイオメトリクス認証研究の新たな潮流,シンポジウム)
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- B-18-4 脳波を用いた個人認証における暗算の導入(B-18.バイオメトリクス・セキュリティ,一般セッション)
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- A-4-43 MDFT対を用いた音声重畳雑音除去システム : 雑音減算係数の最適設定(A-4.信号処理,一般講演)
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- 指先脈波解析における自己組織化マップの適用 : 学習条件に関する検討(通信のための信号処理,符号理論,一般)
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