Multi-Matcher On-Line Signature Verification System in DWT Domain(Information Hiding, <Special Section>Cryptography and Information Security)
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This paper presents a multi-matcher on-line signature verification system which fuses the verification scores in pen-position parameter and pen-movement angle one at total decision. Features of pen-position and pen-movement angle are extracted by the sub-band decomposition using the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). In the pen-position, high frequency sub-band signals are considered as individual features to enhance the difference between a genuine signature and its forgery. On the other hand, low frequency sub-band signals are utilized as features for suppressing the intra-class variation in the pen-movement angle. Verification is achieved by the adaptive signal processing using the extracted features. Verification scores in the pen-position and the pen-movement angle are integrated by using a weighted sum rule to make total decision. Experimental results show that the fusion of pen-position and pen-movement angle can improve verification performance.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2006-01-01
Nakanishi I
Tottori Univ. Tottori‐shi Jpn
ITOH Yoshio
Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University
FUKUI Yutaka
Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University
Itoh Y
Faculty Of Engineering Tottori University
Itoh Yoshio
Faculty Of Engineering Tottori University
Itoh Yoshio
Fac. Of Engineering Tottori Univ.
Fukui Y
Faculty Of Engineering Tottori University
Fukui Y
Graduate School Of Engineering Tottori University
Graduate School of Engineering, Tottori University
Faculty of Regional Sciences, Tottori University
Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University
Faculty of Engineering, Tottori University
Nishiguchi Naoto
Faculty Of Engineering Tottori University:(present Address)mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Itoh Y
Tottori Univ. Tottori‐shi Jpn
Fukui Yutaka
Faculty Of Engineering Setsunan University
Nakanishi Isao
Faculty Of Education Tottori University
Sakamoto Hiroyuki
Graduate School Of Engineering Tottori University
Sakamoto Hiroyuki
Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University
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