Components of NMDA-induced Ca^<2+> signal in mouse hippocampal slices and acute effects of corticosterone on each component
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-03-01
小松崎 良将
SAITO Minoru
Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya Ekisaikai Hospital
Kawato Suguru
The University of Tokyo
Suzuki Akiyoshi
Graduate School of Integrated Basic Sctences, Nihon University
Osanai Hiromi
Graduate School of Integrated Basic Sctences, Nihon University
Saito Minoru
Graduate School of Integrated Basic Sctences, Nihon University
Komatsuzaki Yoshimasa
Department of physics, CST, Nihon Univ.
Hirano Iwata
Graduate School Of Biomedical Engineering Tohoku University
Kawato Suguru
Department Of Biophysics And Life Sciences Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences The University Of To
Komatsuzaki Yoshimasa
College Of Science And Technology Nihon University
Komatsuzaki Yoshimasa
Department Of Physics Cst Nihon Univ.:graduate School Of Arts And Sciences Univ. Of Tokyo:bioinfomat
Komatsuzaki Yoshimasa
Department Of Integrated Sciences In Physica And Biology College Of Humanities And Sciences Nihon Un
Komatsuzaki Yoshimasa
Department Of Correlative Study In Physics And Chemisty Graduate School Of Integrated Basic Sciences
Suzuki Akiyoshi
Department of Correlative Study in Physics and Chemisty, Graduate School of Integrated Basic Science
Osanai Hiromi
Department of Correlative Study in Physics and Chemisty, Graduate School of Integrated Basic Science
Osanai Hiromi
Graduate School Of Integrated Basic Sctences Nihon University
Suzuki Akiyoshi
Graduate School Of Integrated Basic Sctences Nihon University
Suzuki Akiyoshi
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Saito Minoru
Graduate School Of Integrated Basic Sctences Nihon University
Saito Minoru
Department Of Agricultural Engineering Faculty Of Agriculture Kagawa University
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- 3P234 Acute Modulation of Synaptic Plasticity of Pyramidal Neurons by Hippocampal-derived Sex Steroids(16. Neuronal Circuit & Information processing,Poster)
- 2P230 ヨーロッパモノアラガイの中枢神経系における神経活動の膜電位イメージング(II)(15.神経・感覚,ポスター,日本生物物理学会年会第51回(2013年度))