Lens Luxation in Rats
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1995-06-01
土井 邦雄
Department of Radiology, The University of Chicago
田中 浩二
萬有製薬株式会社 開発研究所
松本 浩良
萬有製薬株式会社 開発研究所
稲垣 覚
Safety Assessment Development Research Laboratories Banyu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
松本 浩良
Safety Assessment Development Research Laboratories Banyu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
土井 邦雄
Department Of Veterinary Pathology Faculty Of Agriculture The University Of Tokyo
田中 浩二
Department Of Toxicology And Teratology Developmental Research Laboratories Dainippon Pharmaceutical
土井 邦雄
Department Of Biomedical Science Faculty Of Agriculture The University Of Tokyo
稲垣 覚
Department of Safety Assessment, Development Research Laboratories, Banyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
花見 正幸
Department of Safety Assessment, Development Research Laboratories, Banyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
松本 浩良
Department of Safety Assessment, Development Research Laboratories, Banyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
土井 邦雄
花見 正幸
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