- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本表面科学会の論文
- 2007-02-10
小林 圭
山田 啓文
Dep. Of Electronic Sci. And Engineering Kyoto Univ. Katsura Nishikyo Kyoto 615-8510 Japaninnovative
臼田 宏治
木村 健次郎
山田 啓文
山田 啓文
山田 啓文
Department Of Electronic Science And Engineering Kyoto University
- 物理学と核融合, 菊池満著, 京都大学学術出版会, 2009年, 258ページ, ISBN978-4876989317
- Near-field light detection by conservative and dissipative force modulation methods using a piezoelectric cantilever
- Increase of Central Ion Temperature after Carbon Pellet Injection in Ne-Seeded NBI Discharges of LHD
- Achievement of 10 keV Central Electron Temperatures by ECH in LHD
- Effect of Plasma Current on Magnetohydrodynamic Modes in Neutral Beam Heated Plasmas in Compact Helical System
- Experimental Observation of Magnetic Fluctuations in NBI Heated Plasmas in CHS
- Comparative Study on Effect of Boronization and Titanium Gettering in Compact Helical System Heliotron/Torsatron Device
- 走査型容量顕微鏡によるMOSFET動作時の不純物分布計測
- 誘電泳動による分子配向--単一/少数分子デバイス構築に向けて (特集 分子配向技術の基礎と応用の可能性(Part2))
- 原子間力顕微鏡による有機分子・生体試料の分子分解能観察
- 超高真空非接触原子間力顕微鏡による有機分子の高分解能観察
- 走査型容量原子間力顕微鏡
- 編集にあたって
- Reflection-Induced Light Correlation in Spontaneous Emission in Front of a Mirror
- 有機不揮発性メモリー開発を目指したフッ素系鎖状分子の強誘電特性評価とその鎖長効果(有機EL, TFT,及び一般)
- 有機不揮発性メモリー開発を目指したフッ素系鎖状分子の強誘電特性評価とその鎖長効果(有機EL, TFT,及び一般)
- 有機不揮発性メモリー開発を目指したフッ素系鎖状分子の強誘電特性評価とその鎖長効果(有機EL, TFT,及び一般)
- 原子間力顕微鏡を用いたVDFオリゴマー薄膜の局所強誘電特性評価
- 強誘電性有機分子VDFオリゴマーの構造・配向制御と局所分極操作
- 分子ナノエレクトロニクスの展望
- Molecular resolution imaging of protein molecules in liquid using frequency modulation atomic force microscopy
- FM-AFMによる液中高分解能観察と水和構造計測
- 溶液環境における原子間力顕微鏡による表面計測
- 生きたまま生体分子の姿を見る原子間力顕微鏡 (特集 化学のブレークスルーを支える「革新機器」) -- (化学を躍進させた革新機器の最前線)
- 23pYJ-2 散逸力の分子像(液中AFM) : 液中動作AFMによる水和相互作用の直接計測(領域9シンポジウム主題:探針型プローブ-表面間相互作用の新展開,領域9,表面・界面,結晶成長)
- 周波数検出方式原子間力顕微鏡による有機分子の溶液中高分解能計測
- NC-AFMによる構造・物性計測の最先端
- 19pYP-7 FM-AFMによる有機・生体分子試料の構造・物性計測(領域9シンポジウム : 原子間力顕微鏡法の新展開,領域9(表面・界面,結晶成長))
- Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiol and Fluoroalkanethiol Investigated by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
- X線 Pole Figure 法による強誘電性有機低分子薄膜の精密構造解析
- Local Surface Potential Measurements of Carbon Nanotube FETs by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
- X線Pole Figure法による強誘電性有機低分子薄膜の精密構造解析(有機EL及び関連有機材料, 低温poly-Siと有機TFT技術と一般)
- X線Pole Figure法による強誘電性有機低分子薄膜の精密構造解析(有機EL及び関連有機材料, 低温poly-Siと有機TFT技術と一般)
- X線Pole Figure法による強誘電性有機低分子薄膜の精密構造解析(有機EL及び関連有機材料, 低温poly-Siと有機TFT技術と一般)
- X線 Pole Figure 法による強誘電性有機低分子薄膜の精密構造解析
- X線 Pole Figure 法による強誘電性有機低分子薄膜の精密構造解析
- Improvement of Coupling-Out Efficiency of Organic Light-Emitting Devices by Dot Array Structures with Organic Layer(Fabrication of Organic Nano-devices)(Recent Progress in Organic Molecular Electronics)
- ダイナミックモードSPMの有機・バイオセンシングへの応用
- Orientation Control of High-Density Polyethylene Molecular Chains Using Atomic Force Microscope
- Submolecular-Resolution Studies on Metal-Phthalocyanines by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
- Investigations of Nanoparticles by Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy Combined with Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy Using a Piezoelectric Cantilever
- Orientation Control of Molecular Chains in Polymers Using Atomic Force Microscopy
- Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Investigation of Phase-Separated Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers with Different Head Groups
- 28pXH-1 非接触原子間力顕微鏡による有機分子の散逸イメージング(格子欠陥・ナノ構造)(領域10)
- Pyroelectricity of Ferroelectric Vinylidene Fluoride-Oligomer-Evaporated Thin Films
- 23-P-24 Novel Ferroelectric Properties of Well-Ordered Vinylidene Fluoride Oligomer Thin Films
- 22-O-12 Photocurrent Properties of TiO_2 Ultrathin Films
- 13-O-07 Hybrid Materials of Mechanoluminescence
- 07-O-10 Mechanical Sensors Using Smart Coating with Mechanoluminescence
- 03-P-06 Heat-Tretment Effect on Poly-Organo-Siloxane Spherical Particles Prepared in W/O Emulsion
- Nanoscale Investigation of Optical and Electrical Properties by Dynamic-Mode Atomic Force Microscopy Using a Piezoelectric Cantilever
- Investigations of Local Surface Properties by SNOM Combined with KFM Using a PZT Cantilever(Special Issue on Near-Field Optics and Its Applications)
- Fabrication of Nanometer-Scale Pattern Using Current-Controlled Scanning Probe Lithography
- Experimental Study on Energy Dissipation Induced by Displacement Current in Non-contact Aomic Force Microscopy Imaging of Molecular Thin Films
- 非接触原子間力顕微鏡による有機分子薄膜の構造・表面電位評価
- 高分解能非接触原子間顕微鏡による有機分子材料の評価
- 非接触原子間力顕微鏡による有機分子薄膜の局所構造・物性評価
- Domain Orientation Imaging of PbTiO_3 Single Crystalsby Vertical and Lateral Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
- 18pWD-7 計測 : 少数分子系の誘電制御 : 単分子膜から単一分子へ
- Structures and Ferroelectric Natures of Epitaxially Grown Vinylidene Fluoride Oligomer Thin Films
- Nanometer-Scale Characterization of Ferroelectric Polymer Thin Films by Variable-Temperature Atomic Force Microscopy
- Structures and Electrical Properties of Fullerene Thin Films on Si(111)-7×7 Surface Investigated by Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy
- Investigation of Nonswitching Regions in Ferroelectric Thin Films Using Scanning Force Microscopy
- 24pZN-2 非接触原子間力顕微鏡の有機分子材料科学への応用
- Dynamic Force Microscopy Investigations of C_ Deposited on Si(111) Surface
- 有機分子薄膜の高分解能AFM観察と局所物性計測
- Investigation of Surface Potential of Ferroelectric Organic Molecules by Scanning Probe Microscopy
- The Molecular Arrangements of Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers on Au(111) Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
- Structures and Local Polarized Domains of Ferroelectric Organic Films Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy
- Structural Study on Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanedithiol Molecules
- 第34回欧州物理学会(EPS)プラズマ物理に関する会議
- はじめに
- 閉じ込め時間(0次元)と輸送(1次元)の関わり
- 1.はじめに(磁場閉じ込め装置での粒子補給システムの現状と課題)
- 25pA6 LHDにおけるエネルギー閉じ込め比例則と閉じ込め改善についての考察(ヘリカル/計測)
- Possibility of Profile Control using Compact Toroid Injection on Large Helical Device
- Measurement of Space Potential Fluctuations During MHD Activities in a Toroidal Helical Plasma with a Heavy Ion Beam Probe
- Proposal of a Single Sweep Measurement of a Potential Profile in Tokamak Plasmas by High Voltage Heavy Ion Beam Probes
- Electrical Breakdown at the Falling Edge of Rectangular Pulse Voltage Curve in Cyclohexane under Nonuniform Field Configuration
- Increase of Lifetime of Thallium Zeolite Ion Source for Single-Ended Accelerator
- Construction of a 100-Hz-Repetition-Rate 28-Channel Thomson Scattering System for the JIPPT-IIU Tokamak
- Nature of Tip-Sample Interaction in Dynamic Mode Atomic Force Microscopy
- Tip-Induced Surface Disorder on Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon(111) Surface Observed by Ultrahigh-Vacuum Atomic Force Microscopy
- Observation of Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon (111) Surface by Ultrahigh-Vacuum Atomic Force Microscopy
- AFMによるラジカル酸化膜/Si界面平坦化効果の検討
- Atomic Force Microscopy of Cracks on Si(100)and GaAs(100)Caused by Vickers Indenter
- Atomic Force Microscopy of Cracks on Si(100) and GaAs(100) Caused by Vickers Indenter
- Identification of Materials using Direct Force Modulation Technique with Magnetic AFM Cantilever ( Scanning Tunneling Microscopy)
- Nanometer Modifications of Non-Conductive Materials Using Resist-Films by Atomic Force Microscopy
- A Network of Analog Metal Oxide Semiconductor Circuits for Motion Detection with Local Adaptation to a Background Image
- Effect of Extinction on Neutron Diffraction Intensity of Silicon Single Crystals
- Characterization of Single Crystals of High-T_c Superconductor La_Sr_xCuO_4
- Analog Integrated Circuit for Motion Detection of Approaching Object Based on the Insect Visual System
- Analog LSI Implementation of Biological Direction-Selective Neurons
- An Integrated Circuit for Two-Dimensional Edge-Detection with Local Adaptation Based on Retinal Networks
- Signal Formation of Image-Edge Motion Based on Biological Retinal Networks and Implementation into an Analog Metal-Oxide-Silicon Circuit
- ダイナミックモード原子間力顕微鏡の有機分子材料評価への応用
- 国際ワークショップITER時代における磁場核融合エネルギーのロードマップ作成
- 実証核融合発電プラントへ向けての戦略的課題とマイルストーンに関するIAEAコンサルタント会合
- In-situ FM-AFM による固液界面の原子・分子スケール評価